-Hi my name is Tanner.
-My age means nothing to you.
-I'm a musician
-I also book shows
-July 25th - booking my first festival.
-I'm taken.
-I'm brutally honest.
-I don't do drugs
-I don't smoke
-I occationally drink - but only a small amount.
-I'm prochoice
-everyone at my church will critisize me for saying that
-they can go fuck themselves, its my opinion.
-I am Christian
-I'm scene
-I have ADD
-I'm suicidal, go fuck yourself
-I dont bitch about life
-I keep my opinions to myself unless asked
-Respect is demanded
-Honesty is rewarded
-I'm not one to Fuck with
-I am a text addict.
-When I say something, I mean it.
-thinks mindys cool.
-Idolize me. <3
-I'm out, peace