CHUCKY *MAIN HEAD* 4RM FLIP A HOE ENT. profile picture


*People say that I changed, but da truth is I grew up*...Thats why im not your stereo typical averag

About Me

"ThErE c0mEs A pOiNt iN yOuR LiFe wHeN yOu rEaLiZe WhO MaTTeRs, WhO NeVeR DiD, WhO wOn'T AnYmOrE, aNd wHo WiLL aLwAyS, sO dOnT StReSs aBoUt PeOpLe FrOm yOuR PaSt. ThErEs A ReAsOn WhY ThEy DiDnT mAkE iT tO YoUR FuTuRe" wats crackin people u just came in contact with ur boi chucky main head of that flip a hoe ent.!!!! yup u know wats good with it. well yea a lil bit about me, i work at lakewood mall at ~Demos~, im going back 2 school 2 get my Ged!! I live in the city of Whittier i Been here 4 about 3 or 2 years. its alright over here but paramount still better!!! lol.. u know wats good well yea if u want to know anything else about me!!! just hit me up and let me know wats good with it!!!!