FeldFunker profile picture


Women and rhythm-section first!

About Me

Albums:2008: The Absurd Hero - Kreislauf 043 - ( Discogs | Last.FM ) 2007: Beyond The Moon - Kreislauf 020 - ( Discogs | Last.FM )EPs:2007: Telewelt - Kreislauf 031 - ( Discogs ) 2007: Beyond The Moon Remixes - Kreislauf 022 - ( Discogs | Last.FM ) 2007: Einheitspartei - DruckKammermusik 007 - ( Discogs | Last.FM ) 2005: Treibjagd - DruckKammermusik 002Track Contributions:2007: 10 Jahre Kreislauf - Kreislauf 025 - ( Discogs | Last.FM ) 2006: The Ascent: Unsigned - Mixotic 061 ( Discogs )

Born 1974, Bjoern Ischo AKA FeldFunker started DJing somewhere around 1992 playing Goth/EBM stuff as the first resident of Hamburg's infamous goth club, Zillo (later: Tonwerk). After years of a tight DJ schedule for the goth and fetish scenes all over Germany, first experiments as a musician and producer followed around 1998 with industrial projects like T.A.R. 21 (with The puppeteer on guitars).
It was around 2000 when Bjoern waved goodbye to goth and wave, having grown bored with the attitude of the scene, and since 2004 he started this current project "FeldFunker". The german word "FeldFunker" actually means radio operators in the army, and reflects the idea that modern electronic music can be seen as a "battlefield" of genres - FeldFunker always had a tendency to combine/integrate various musical styles, often hopping between styles in a seemingly random way.

FeldFunker's still into DJing as well, though he admits not being an outstanding DJ, which is why he has choosen to usually DJ with friend and Techno-DJ galore Ma-Cell (Vorspiel/ Raveline). Together with him, he also initiated the project Techno4Amnesty, a charitable mini-festival for Amnesty International which was held for the first time this year with a major success and will be repeated in Summer 2007.
DJ & live stations in Germany include:

- Hamburg: Zillo/ Tonwerk, Edelfettwerk, Waagenbau, Markthalle, Last Minute, Kurhotel, Zuckerclub, Rote Laterne, Kukuun
- others: Bunker Flensburg, Pier 2 Bremen, Kick Herford, Spin Club Emden, various festivals, and others I just can't remember right now.

Side Note: my Top List is pretty random and messy. It does not reflect how much I like people, and people being pissed for not being among the Top XX friends is not something I care about. ;-)

My Interests


Member Since: 12/25/2005
Band Website: feldfunker.de
Band Members: Björn Ischo
Influences: Rock, Pop, Metal, Electro, Techno, Breakbeats, Gothic, (Post-)Punk, basically everything. Though the influence of 80ties electronic and minimal techno is probably the most obvious one. If I was to name a favourite all-time band I'd definitly say Pink Floyd.
Sounds Like: MinimalTechBreakPopRetroClashTrance or something. Can't say I really care about genres.
Record Label: Kreislauf, Druckkammermusik, Mixotic
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

MySpam is becoming a full time job for the spammers

Just because I'm getting seriously annoyed: I won't approve any post that contain like three flyers and videos and text and what not anymore. It's totally ok to have one flyer in a comment, but this l...
Posted by FeldFunker on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 12:35:00 PST

Techno4Amnesty 2008 Video Trailer

Here's a video trailer for the party on 04.July 08 in the Waagenbau, Hamburg:Check out this video: Techno 4 Amnesty ..Add to My Profile | More VideosVideo by Helux, Track "The Young Dead" ...
Posted by FeldFunker on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 12:48:00 PST

Release date for the second album set

Cheers guys,the release date for my second album, "The Absurd Hero" is confirmed for the 5. April 08. The whole album is gonna be a very loose interpretation of Camus' "Myth of Sisyphos" thematically,...
Posted by FeldFunker on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:04:00 PST

Yay for review on netlabelreview.com

Another review of "Beyond The Moon", and quite a good one:Review on netlabelreview.comRoundup:"This is really a stand out album covering a range of genre's and keeping that in mind the artist still ma...
Posted by FeldFunker on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 03:18:00 PST

Video from 2004

Almost forgot this one exists, a video a friend of mine, VJ Rob Visual, created for my song "Boiling Tears". The sound quality is mediocre to say the least, but it's still a nice video:http://www.iper...
Posted by FeldFunker on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 04:08:00 PST

What a review!

Now that the album "Beyond The Moon" is out (download here) I'm excited to read the reviews... my favourite one so far is this one..:"[...] a magic of pop culture 70's spirit worthy from the greatest ...
Posted by FeldFunker on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 12:36:00 PST

Coming album on Kreislauf.org

Big news: I'm gonna release an album on Kreislauf.org; its gonna be sort of a "Four Years Of FeldFunker"-Album mixing my trance, techno, breakbeat and e-clash tracks from the last years plus some new ...
Posted by FeldFunker on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 05:42:00 PST

Profile mathematics

Yeeehaaaaa... 10.000 profile views. 14.300 plays. 1922 friends. So what does that tell me? That each viewer listens to 1.4 songs? That each friend visits my profile 5 times? That statistics suck? ...
Posted by FeldFunker on Mon, 21 May 2007 06:45:00 PST

Profile redecoration + a word on comments

Redecorated my profile a little bit, as soo many people complained about my oh-so-ugly wallpaper. Lemme know what you think. P.S.: I switched HTML comments on again, but they require approval now...
Posted by FeldFunker on Sun, 20 May 2007 04:47:00 PST

Just for some diversion...

...I uploaded two more trancy songs of mine to my profile, "Der Zahlenteufel" and "Spelljammer"; I still consider these to be among my strongest tracks... thx to Tails for reminding me of Spelljammer,...
Posted by FeldFunker on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 01:41:00 PST