Bernie profile picture


If it wasn't this...It'd be something else

About Me

My name is Dillon. Hi, how are you? good? fantastic. Anyway, this is myspace, and i am hoping that one day i will wake up and myspace will be gone and everyone can go back to meeting everyone how we used to. So, here we are. My life is good i recently got married and i have to tell you life is good. I am currently attached to 1/158 Arizona National Guard and I get the "pleasure" of serving with them in Afganistan. I love wrestling probably more than i should but hey everyone needs a pass time. Im just a normal guy trying to get by in this crazy world we live in. Remember they youth of today will someday take care of you when you are old so dont talk down to them or they might not feel like it later on when you need them the most.

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My Interests

Video Games, Stupid people, Wrestling, Nerf Guns, Movies, Hondas, Shavonne, Money, Stikfas

I'd like to meet:

Hulk Hogan, Ben Folds, The guy who runs Sony, Robin Williams, Stan Winston, George Romero, William Shakespeare, Jerry Seinfield, and Vince McMachon


Top Ten Bands: 1.HIM 2.Ben Folds 3.Johnny Cash 4.Radiohead 5.The October 5.Hated Nixon 7.Jeff Buckley 8.Tom Petty 9.David Bowie 10.Elvis Presley


Top Ten Movies: 1.Ghostbusters 2.Fools Rush In 3.Snatch 4.Love Actually 5.Fight Club 6.Super Troopers 7.Batman 8.Sin City 9.American Psycho 10.Elizabethtown


WWE Raw, WWE Smackdown, House, Family Guy, The Simpsons


Top five books1. The Perks Of Being A Wallflower 2. I Am Legend 3. The Zombie Survival Guide 4. Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire 5. Fight Club


Hulk Hogan, Ben Folds, All of the WWE Superstars that came to visit the troops while i was in Iraq they didnt have to do it but they did and i will forever support them because they supported me...thank you again... All of those who have fought, are fighing or will fight for our freedom...I salute you.