God Hates Us All profile picture

God Hates Us All

I am here for Friends

About Me

Most people don't realize that two large pieces of coral painted brown and attached to his skull with common wood screws can make a child resemble a deer. .. I'm strategic and chauvenistic. God and I are having a tiff currently.I am a nineteen year old insensitive self-absorbed waif to the majority. Insensitive, that is, unless provoked otherwise, which sporadically I allow given right line and/or face. Sometimes it just hits me how easily I can be turned into a swooning pile of sinew, by someone who speeks to me of "love", and I want to renounce every ounce of my sovereign nature and crawl to the maker of my demeanor's 180. There really is nothing like prefabricated bullshit incentive which I seem to carry in spades. And in case you needed the reminder, I take a remarkably high number of self-portraits. Partially becuase I'm a boderline-narcissist in my absence of sobriety and partially because I lack others to photograph. Anyone could regurgitate a sunset or pretty flower. You're more than welcome to spout me a sonnet, (or in some cases, another) when I'm feeling adventerous enough to change my privacy settings on AI'M . (yes, I know I didn't list my screen name.)I do realize my legs not being spread across my brother's friend's Civic while holding some strawberry flavored malt liquor puts me at a bit of a disadvantage. That or you noticed the symmetry of my ears is off by almost 2 mm. Well, maybe you cannot deduce that from the photos but I assure you they are. I have absolute faith in you finding much more. So if you want to send me running for the razors, or straight into your ego feeding masculine (possibly feminine) arms, act now. I am a compilation of autonomous atoms, poorly groomed hair, and caffeine. I have a provisional residence, a snazzy pair of wireless headphones, and a strong sense of boredom and indifference, all without which, I would be lost. Oh, and by "provisional" I mean, December I leave the land of strip malls, the Olsen twins, and impotent Conservative scientologists, and travel.. Wait, slight discrepancy. I am German. My accent is far more annoying and my days involve a little less incest. I major in Philosophy and minor in Tony Danza impersonations. My resources are limited. I work with my natural abilities. I enjoy three month-stands fluctuated with sleep and discourse, of which, I am currently overdue. No complaints however, I have a tendency to stall these things out past their expiration dates.drink too much coffee and smoke too many cigarettes. I am a musician, a poet, a scholar, and a disciple. I am a cynical optimist...an idealist and a dreamer. I am always looking for a new dream or a new prayer to pray. I want to be recklessly passionate. I want to rip myself out of this automated "Do-you-want-fries-with-that" existence and make a genuine human connection. D.H. Lawrence once told a story about two people that cross paths with each other and, instead of continuing to walk away, they decide to accept what Lawrence called the "confrontation between their souls." It's like freeing the reckless gods within. So talk to me...and remind us both why we invented language in the first place.

My Interests

A good battle of epic proportions. Surrealism, Film, Filmmaking, Painting, Music, Photography, Writing, Reading, Existentialism, the avant garde, DADA, Expressionism, Abstract thought, people who do original things.

I'd like to meet:

a misanthropic dependent of a eunuch's auto-erotic ingenuity, reprehensible stripling of an itinerant somnambulist, sordid progeny of a flatulent Human Resources Professional.or just a misbegotten offspring of Richard Nixon's secret indiscretions, would do.I'm a sucker for emotionless eyes, cold hands, anonymous love letters, chapped fucking lips, and kicking people in the cunt. people who get the joke. people who dont give a shit, selective sluts, people who like driving with no aim. people who never fit in and not by choice. contradictions with feet, welcomed.


..Job For A Cowboy, Crotch Duster, Cannibal Corpse, Acid Bath, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Cattle Decapatation, Belphegor, Cephalic Carnage, Pig Destroyer, Iniquity, Kreator, Marduk, Napalm Death, Nasum, Opeth, Samael, Berzerker, Cripple Bastards, Cock And Ball Torture, Tom Waits,Jeff Buckley, Jason Webley,Radiohead, Miles Davis,Aphex Twin, Bob Dylan, KMFDM, Skinny Puppy, Prick, Portishead, Elysian Fields, cEvin Key, Ogre, Pigface, Beck, Prince, R.L. Burnside, Telefon Tel Aviv, Rolling Stones, The Damage Manual, Angelo Badalamenti, Die Warzau, Killing Joke, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Pink Floyd, Ministry, Billie Holiday, Massive Attack, Forrest Whitlow, Pixies, Tool, Louis Armstrong, Saul Williams, Rage Against the Machine, Django Reinhardt, Leadbelly, Charles Mingus, 12 Rounds, Murder inc., Tear Garden, Nick Cave, Elliot Smith, Nirvana, X, Gang Of Four, Tori Amos, Bjork, A Perfect Circle, Alec Empire, Revolting Cocks, Wagon Christ, Thelonious Monk, Mike Patton, The Black Keys, Brian Eno, Jack Off Jill, Nile.


8 1/2, Eraserhead, The Exterminating angel, Un Chien Andalou, Viridiana, Tristana, The Phantom of Liberty, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The Milky Way, Simon of the Desert, L'age D'or, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Cries and Whispers, Through a glass darkly, the seventh seal, Wild Strawberries, That Obscure Object of Desire, La Dolce Vita, Sunset Boulevard, Mulholland Drive, Lost highway, Twin peaks:FWWM, Blue Velvet, A Zed and Two Noughts, The Draughtsman's Contract, Drowning by Numbers, The Belly of an Architect, Prospero's books, The cook the thief his wife her lover, They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, Quills, Being There, Satyricon, Nights of Cabiria, Repulsion, The Tenant, The Phantom of the Paradise, Fight Club, Seven, Magnolia, Requiem For a Dream, Pi, The Killing, Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, Deconstructing Harry, Fargo, Big Lebowski, HurlyBurly, Happiness, The Man Who Wasn't There, The Ice Storm, Crouching Tiger - Hidden dragon, The Night Of the Hunter, Songs From the Second Floor, The Holy Mountain, El Topo, I Will Walk Like A Crazy Horse, Viva La Muerte, Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Down By Law, Mystery Train, Bottle Rocket, The Lost Weekend, Freaks, Metropolis, M, Shortcuts, Gosford Park, The Player, The Jerk, Young Frankenstein, Maitresse, Best In Show, Waiting For Guffman, A Mighty Wind, Kingpin, The Evil dead Trilogy, Bowling for Columbine, Farenheit 9/11, Stardust Memories, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Maltese Falcon, In a Lonely place, Salo, In a Glass Cage, Man Bites dog, I Stand Alone, Citizen Kane, the Trial, Kingpin,...well, anything by David Lynch, Luis Bunuel, Federico Fellini, Ingmar Bergman, Peter Greenaway, Orson Welles, and Pier Paolo Passolini. Then all sorts of other people, Gaspar Noe, Jodorowsky, Arrabal, Coctaeu, Truffaunt, Renoir, Kurosawa, Woody Allen, Billy Wilder, Tod Browning, Fritz Lang, John Huston, Hitchcock, Altman, Kubrick, Erich Von Stroheim, Kenneth Anger, James Whale, Ang Lee, and of course any classic Hollywood, any Noir, anything where the men drink whiskey, the women shoot the men and they all chain smoke compulsively.




Sade, Dostoevsky, Breton, Voltaire, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Sartre, Camus, Nietzsche, Lautreamont, Kafka, Gide, Gogol, Goethe, Jung, Moliere, Twain, Engels, Hemingway, Swift, Milton, Dante, Cervantes, Orwell, Wilde, Bierce, Blake, Poe, Chekov..


Federico Fellini, Luis Bunuel, Andre Breton, Voltaire, Rimbaud, Rrose Selavy, Sartre, Sade, Tristan Tzara, Blixa Bargeld, Bill Hicks.

My Blog

Past Life.

So, I was a Viking in a past life, yeah?  
Posted by God Hates Us All on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 01:45:00 PST

Whatever doesn't kill you ...

Dear lover, steal me some oxygen that I might breathe inside you for a while. My eyes are dry and my extremities are tingling, but the thought of you makes it all worthwhile. We were lovers then,...
Posted by God Hates Us All on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 12:47:00 PST

Myspace Aesthetics

So I was on MySpace the other day. Yeah, I know, I know. But I can't help it. As awful as it all is, the voyeur in me can't stay away - there's something so fascinating about the way people choose to ...
Posted by God Hates Us All on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 05:02:00 PST

The 2nd annual Myspace stupid haircut awards.

Still, we uncovered plenty of other folic atrocities, and so now we proudly present the newest superheroes of bad style - the hipsters, the drag queens, the goths, and the glams, they are... The 2006 ...
Posted by God Hates Us All on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 07:12:00 PST

The First Annual Myspace Stupid Haircut Awards

The First Annual MySpace Stupid Haircut Awards! With so many fantastically stupid hairstyles floating around MySpace, I've found myself adding the best of the worst to my favorites list over the ...
Posted by God Hates Us All on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 01:14:00 PST

Bling Bling Sucka Foo.

So I  became oddly determined to collect the entire set of a particularly distressing series of Looney Toons figurines from a 50 cent machine. To this day, the classic Warner Bros. animated short...
Posted by God Hates Us All on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 04:19:00 PST

I fucking hate fat people.

So I've been holding back on this one, because somewhere there's a point where my mean-spirited nature takes a turn into downright cruelty. But when my dear friend and kindred spirit Tiffany brought...
Posted by God Hates Us All on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 10:16:00 PST

Anything but Country.

Okay so I'm hunnnnngover and I don't want to do anything but sit in this chair and not move, so I figured the best way to pass time would be to ramble about stupid bullshit on Myspace. First things fi...
Posted by God Hates Us All on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 08:51:00 PST

I get cynical.

First up: Sub ZeroGoth Type: RomantiGoth Take a look at those (apparently) home made spikey purple armbands! He's all set for his D&D match tonight! What I appreciate about Sub Zero is his knack for ...
Posted by God Hates Us All on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 08:02:00 PST


Last night was amazing. For a second I looked at you and saw someone else. A beautiful escape from everything. I could breathe, I wasn't scared. For once I thought I understood how it felt to accept h...
Posted by God Hates Us All on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 12:09:00 PST