Weekends, long weekends, music, singing :D, shopping, shmoking :P
(See heroes list...) Tessa Sarah and Monique on in a deserted alleyway on a dark night...
Anything and everything :D I think musics a personal choice, why judge others by what they listen to if they're into it so what?! I dnt think you should limit urself either, u miss out on so much great music! And I know some of you metal heads deep down like tu pac..
Pulp fiction, Zoolander (I created the piano key necktie derek! What have you done? NOTHING DEREK!!! YOU HAVE NOTHING!!! NOTHING!!!) Austin Powers, Kill Bill...etc etc
Silly cartoons like invader zim, reno rocks!!!
The cannibal cook book haha
All the members of the RHCP!Al Capone, Uma Thurman (she rocks in Quentin Tarintino movies!!!), Quentin Tarintino of course! And the litte dough guy, he rocks!