Who am I? I don't know yet. God is making me everyday. I pray for the revelution to happen in my heart. "Be Holy for I am Holy" keep ringing in my ears. What does that mean? What does this "Holy" look like? I love Jesus and my Father God more than anything or anyone. I make mistakes daily. I can't stop being a dork. I love my lil sis and cousin very much. I fight with myself constantly. Passion pushes me to keep fighting. "Living to die" ignites my passion. Pleasing my Lord feels right. Giving me up is the battle. Pride wins daily. Humbleness is my stuggle. Weakness reveals itself. Strength runs to the closet. My fear for God is watered down. My words need to change. My spirit needs to transform. My heart needs to be lowered. I'm still "under construction".
Love. Love is not being perfect. Love is not being right. Love is mistakes. Love is being wrong. Love is perspective, it's what you see. What matters is what no one else can see. The 2 sides are not black and white. Sides don't exist. Truth exists. It is true that black is in our world. It is true that white is in our world. But the details in between those colors make the colors. Truth makes love understand "why pain?" Pain is experienced in music. Pain is captured in pictures. Pain is felt in memories. Pain is everything in death. Pain is connection. Pain embraces love. Embrace the world. Embrace humanity. Embrace relationships. Embrace life. Embrace tears. Embrace smiles. We must make this place a better place. I have a song playing; it has cussing; it has pain; it embraces our world. My heart is this song, because this song is our world and we must be the truth that sheds hope 2 these people and this pain, your pain, my pain....our pain.
~Aaron Fell..