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I am here for Friends

About Me

Born and raised here in alaska and wouldn't want it any other way. I enjoy a multitude of things and can never find the time to do everything I want. Like to draw, write sometimes, collect things (don't even get me started) not much into talking about myself in a freestyle sense but if you ask the right question i'm more than willing to give you an answer or an opinion.

My Interests

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anything outdoors i'm game for. drawing, photography. baseball in general, huge Seahawks fan (don't say anything or even look at me in a weird way if the 'hawks are on... total attitude difference) being with friends and family, spending time with people that I care about.

I'd like to meet:

hmm... davinci, michaelangelo, alexander the great, Jessica simpson, natalie portman,steven spielberg, bigfoot and Darth Vader.


really depends on my mood, but always come back to GnR. anything from metal to country.. like to chill to some jack johnson, or chevelle if i'm feeling crunchy....


I like all sorts of movies except these new age "horror" flicks. 300, transformers, aliens, labrynth, lord of the rings trilogy, STAR WARS!!!, the notebook was pretty good....


Sports!!! Have got to see some baseball or football action or I'll go insane... otherwise tv's not a big deal, you need one in your living room to make it look "homey" i suppose. I do have to catch "heroes" on monday night or i'm not fit to be around the rest of the week


they still make these? actually gotten into ancient history lately. picked up a few books, ones an overview of all ancient architecture/civilizations around the world. and ones an in depth atlas/encyclopedia of ancient egypt. overviewed them but haven't actually "read" them.. also an atlas of the stars... very interesting stuff.


heroes? have people that I look up to but not the "hero" status, and they're all friends.. each one has there faults but there's something about each that I admire and aim to emmulate... miah,jake,matt,heather,jeremy,terry,sarah...and all my other friends,your all great people.
You WOULD Survive an Animal Attack!
If you were attacked by a Giraffe ... you would kick some ass.
'Would You Survive an Animal Attack?' at QuizGalaxy.com
Different questions
Other than your name, what was the last name someone called you?: scooter.... my moms nickname for me
How old were your parents when you were born?: 16
If you could find one long lost friend of the past, who would it be?: know all of them still... can't we just go back?
Was your sixth grade teacher a man or a woman?: uh woman
What was the last thing you drank?: mountain dew...
At what age do you think a person starts to get old?: when they can no longer do all the things they want
What was the last thing you celebrated?: new years...
Have you ever had any teeth pulled?: more than a few
What was the first job you ever had?: construction
Do you wash your hair or your body first when taking a shower?: body
Are your parents still married?: yes
What is the toy you remember the most as a kid?: gi joes, and transformers
Do you think you will vote this year?: not likely
What was the last thing you cooked in the oven?: teriyaki chicken
What craft do you think your good at?: drawing, cooking...
What was the first tape/cd/record you owned?: nirvana's "nevermind"
Have you ever eaten something other people might think is gross?: no... cause usually i think it is to
What famous person do you like that others may not?: none.. they irritate me
Have you ever invented anything?: nope
Where is the most unique place you like to eat?: in my car
Who do you think you clash with the most?: anyone that tries to walk on me, or order me around
What time of day are you most likely sitting on your couch?: 4:00 pm
What color is your toothbrush?: white
What is the closest grocery store to your house?: safeway
When was the last time you colored with crayons?: at lunch last weekend
Have you ever owned a plant? What was it?: a few ferns.. didn't last long :P
Have you met anyone famous?: no, but i've seen plenty in person
What was the worst injury you have ever had?: hyperextended and sprained knee
At thanksgiving dinner, what is the first thing you go for?: stuffing
When you were a kid, who was your best pal?: justin or aaron burns
Do you have any special talents?: i can draw pretty decently
Have you ever been to a nursing home?: yeah
What kind of job did your mom have when you were growing up?: same one she has now
Have you ever known anyone thats been on tv, including you?: yes
What was the most interesting animal you have seen in the wild?: either watching an eagle, black bear, or the deer that came up and sniffed my leg
What holiday do you enjoy the most?: christmas
What was the first video game you ever played?: mario bros.
What is the one thing you own, that if it got lost, you would be bummed?: a lot of things
Do you have a favorite breakfast item?: eggs
What do you find yourself buying all the time?: coffee, and water
When was the last time you got a real letter in the mail?: been a while
Do you have a most prized piece of jewlery?: don't wear anything but a necklace, have and had a few of those.. all special to me
Do you own any board games?: monopoly.. which i hate
What article of clothing would you say you need more of in your wordrobe?: nicer shirts
What chore seems the most daunting right now?: laundry
Were you born in the state you live in?: yes
Have you ever lived in a house that has been broken into?: no
What is your favorite cheese?: gouda
Who do you know that watches the most sports?: besides me? umm.........
What was the last magazine you read?: mens health
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My Blog


I can see it in your eyes, can't you see it in mine? If you want to love me then why do you refrain? when I hold you don't you know i feel the same? Said we had an understanding of a love that never c...
Posted by michael on Mon, 22 May 2006 11:03:00 PST


Somewhere inside of me there is sadness. You've become another victim of my own Madness. Our relationship became one big disaster. You've tried to take controll but you can't become it's master. I don...
Posted by michael on Mon, 22 May 2006 10:43:00 PST

melissa pt.2

Broken dreams and countless lies are the things you've left behind. All the times that you gave me i wish i could just forget them all. looking at me you wonder what i'm thinking. Spend a day in my mi...
Posted by michael on Mon, 22 May 2006 10:37:00 PST

sail away

                      " sail away" Tried callin you on the phone when I knew nobody was home. Down by...
Posted by michael on Tue, 09 May 2006 11:21:00 PST


  "melissa" Don't try and lie to me y'know that I'm not blind. Try and tell me everythings alright but I can see it in your smile Somethings changing inside of you, swallow your pride and lay it...
Posted by michael on Tue, 09 May 2006 11:04:00 PST