My Blog
Dude, I totally aced my Government test with a 100 today!! I'm so happy!
Posted by on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 19:52:00 GMT
Where I Live... But...
I live in a country where people drive in the left lane just to tick you off, where men have lost the ability to truly love a woman, where premarital sex is overlooked, where women sale their bodies a...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 21:00:00 GMT
Maybe I'm just having a horrible day or maybe my attitude is just rotten but everything just seems to not go my way. I'm not going to go into any details but if you're close to me then you probably kn...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 21:57:00 GMT
Backing It Up...
Having it all isn't about having everything you want or desire. Sometimes it's about giving up your earthly desires to fulfill someone elses true desires. In the process you'll probably help yourself ...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Dec 2005 19:13:00 GMT
Lord Of All...
Well we had Bible study tonight and it was pretty cool. We talked about Romans 6-10. We learned that it doesn't matter what you do or who you are, God loves you. He is Lord of everyone, Jew and Gentil...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 18:46:00 GMT
Love and Smiles...
Today was a great day. Maris and I went to Houston to go to the Galleria, the Guitar Center and to eat at T.G.I. Fridays! It was a whole lot of fun. We got back home and ran some errands for her mom a...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 21:02:00 GMT
You just never know...
So I woke up today hoping it would be a good one. Maris called me about 1 minute after I got up and so my day began well. I saw her and things were good. Then I let myself down by thinking about stuff...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 19:41:00 GMT
Rao's Bakery...
Well I just started working at Rao's Bakery yesterday and I'm going back in today at 4. It's not bad but I'm just hoping they'll let me train in a specific area instead of just helping everybody else ...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 11:22:00 GMT
Doctor Faustus... Need I Say More
Yeah so I read Doctor Faustus this weekend. It's a good play by Christopher Marlowe. Anyways, Doctor Faustus sells his soul to the devil so he can live 24 years and have Mephostofilis (a demon) doing ...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 20:38:00 GMT
If I had to explain love to someone I would say it feels like you're holding everything beautiful all at once. If I had to draw it out I would draw Jesus on the cross. If I had to show it to someone I...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Nov 2005 19:17:00 GMT