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Cool SlideshowsThe secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life, and in elevating them to art.********
********"The sounding cataract Haunted me like a passion; the tall rock, The mountain, and the deep and gloomy wood, Their colours and their forms, were then to me An appetite,-a feeling and a love, That had no need of a remoter charm By thoughts supplied, nor any interest Unborrowed from the eye"
William Wordsworth
Arouse from the DISTANCE the OBJECT of my DESIRE.
I'll let you know later when I have time, but I especially like The Beatles, Dave Mathews Band, Coldplay, Radio Head Pearl Jam, Griffin House, Nina Simone, Frank Sinatra, Mark Farina,Tiesto, Gabriel & Dresden, Everything But The Girl, Morsheeba, Massive Attack, Cacteau Twins, Frou Frou,Eric Hutchinson Nadia Ali, Killers, U2, Bach, Tchaikovsky (hope that's spelled right)Wagner, Junkie XL, Deep Dish, Bob and Damien Marley, Sharam, Counting Crows, Sia, John Legend, John Mayer and of course a little P.Y.T from the King of Pop. David Guetta,Cedric Gervais,IIO, SIA,Above and Beyond the list goes on...
GlADIAtor, City OF GoD, AmELie, BoONDOck SAinTS, PriNCESS BRide, GreEN STREet HoolIGANS, DroP DEAD Fred, BReakFAST At TiffanYS, FUNNY faCE, ThOMAS CRown affAir, ROman HOliDAY, FiGhT ClUB, Meet JOE BlaCk. AlMOST faMouSe, EvER AFTer, ScaR FACe, SabRINA, Anything w/Johnny Depp. OcEANs 11, LabRyNth, GoDFATHER I, II, DoMINo, AmADeus, CloCKWork Orange, WIzard OF Oz, and V for VENDEtta, BIg FIsh, PirAtes of the CariBbean
Food Network
the ALCHEMIST, The LITTle Prince, The COUNt of MonTE CristO, KitE RunNER, GooD EARTH, BagaVADgita, LoveLY BoneS, TiME TRAVELERs Wife, LIFE of Pi, Tao of POOh, CAtcher IN the RYe, The JOY Luck Club, The SECret GarDEN,CelESTial PrOPHECy, anything by Toni Morrison, Dan Brown, Rahld Dahl or Steven King.