Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts
and I love you. Or I hate you, there's no other way.
.: I get lost in parking decks :.
.: My eyes change colors with my mood...that means ALOT :.
.: I am happily engaged to my wonderful fiance, JEFFREY WILLIAMS...i love you :.
.: I like to write on walls with sharpies:.
.: I'm not allowed to play with scissors, which I constantly refer to as "SKIZZORZ" :.
.: I love to feel A L I V E in every way :.
.: I like the term 'space aliens' :.
.: I'm freakishly scared of spiders :.
.: I love *-HARDCORE HAIRCUTS-* but i don't really like you :.
.: I am an animal's rights activist, vegetarian, and an active member of PETA :.
.: I like shampoo :.
.: I take showers in the dark :.
.: I write ALOT.. poetry, journals, whatever. I have to. If I don't, the pressure will crack my ribs and I will explode :.
.: I love to play in the rain, especially at night :.
.: I recently firgured out that one of my friends when I was little was actually retarded..-thanks mom-
.: I'm very independent, but I get homesick alot :.
.: I like payphones :.
.: I like to take the waiter's nametag when I go to resteraunts :.
.: I FREAKIN' LOVE CRAYONS..ahhh...just the smell of them..or the excitement of a fresh, new box..:) :.
.: For some reason, I really like ties :.
.:scary movies are fantastic :.
.: I cANT LiVE WithOuT make up :.
.: I am a SUCKER for emo... :.
.: I dance when I'm alone :.
.: I like to throw cereal :.
.: I bite :.
.: I don't like your mother :.
.: I want a pet giraffe...if I can't have one, I want a, I'm serious. :.
.: I once saw a guy put a condom on his head :.
.: I'm extremely liberal...I love you as you are :.
.: I'm allergic to raw apples...not cooked ones :.
.: I am VERY indecisive :.
.: I really, REALLY suck at miniature golf :.
.: I want to PUNCH YOU IN YOUR FACE :.
.: Honestly, I'm scared to death... :.
I LOVEcrayons, lipgloss, clean jeans, rainbow colors, bubbles, animals, yesterday, umbrellas, flavored ice, pictures, newspapers, sharpened pencils, chairs, underwear, blankets, the ninja turtles, old books, pillows, socks, techno, towels from the dryer, tile floors...
I HATELIARS, drama, spiders, white walls, perverts, ugly cars, funerals, bad hair days, school, people with no sense of humor, gummy things, being cold, baseball...
CLICK ME & WATCH tHiS ViDEO...YoU wiLL loVe It!!!:)..
-GO VEGETARIAN or VEGAN!! (each vegetarian saves the lives of over 100 animals per year. you WILL make a difference!!!)
-Spay and Neuter your pets!(there are MANY places around you that will 'fix' your pets for very cheap or FREE! only 1 in 9 dogs and cats that are born will find a home. Others starve, are euthanized, and are killed by human carelessness and/or lack of shelter.
-Check out and !!!!