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While I think my interests are normal I'm not sure everyone will agree on that one lol. Of course, I do like to hang out w/ friends, watch movies, listen to music, talk on the phone.. Mess around on here lol.. All that fun stuff.. But I also like to read.. I love anything to do w/ Afrika.. I like studying religions (plural, not just my own)..and languages too. (unfortunately I'm not fluent in any... and yes I include english in that statement lol). Normal for me anyway :-)....
..Mr. Ebbo... I wouldn't mind meeting himr... After reading about him performing at a wedding in the UK I'd put him on my list of ideas for my dream wedding - can't believe I forgot!!! Oh well... maybe for the big anniversary thing in a few years... (of course I'm not sure Jas would agree to that one lol)
I don't even know where to begin.. I like just about any kind... Country, Rock, Rai, 80's (gotta love 80's music lol), Oldies, Tejano, Rap if it's in Kiswahili (Mr. Ebbo makes me laugh - you should see his video!).. I could go on pero I'd prob just bore ya... At the moment I'm kinda stuck on the song "Imagine" by Lennon... I liked it before, pero I just got a couple of Khaled's cd's & he has it on one of them... is a duet w/ Noa (sp?) starts off in Arabic for the first couple verses then goes into the English... Is great...
It's almost as hard for me to pick a favourite movie as it is book or music... I just like too many. Besides, it always depends on my mood & what I feel like watching. But here's the random list (& I hope I don't leave anything out).
The Constant Gardener, Love at Stake, Spaceballs, History of the World Part 1, Bride & Predjudice (yes, bride - not pride - have no desire to see that other one), Bend it Like Beckham, Remember the Titans, Hatari, Lion King, Traffic, Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, Clambake, Ghost & the Darkness, Sahara, Yours Mine & Ours (the old version), any of the Batman movies (including the old 60's one...), and that's about where my brain in stopping & refusing to spit out another... I know there's more.... but yeah....
I actually have one agian... It's a wonderful thing... But not a lot of time to watch it. I'll admit it, I've gotten into the baby shows (like Special Delivery & stuff) lately. & we watch a LOT of Law & Order... and I've caught a few episodes of other shows that I used to enjoy..
I mentioned before that I like reading right? Understatement of the year... I have a ton of favourite books.
Jasper Fforde is a fav author... The Thursday Next Series is the best, but his new ones are pretty good too. I can't wait for The Fourth Bear to come out of hardback. Since The Big Over Easy just did a few months ago though... I'm not holding my breath.
I'll admit it... I like Harry Potter. I have all 7... in the original British versions. I also have the first 5 in Arabic & the first 2 in Spanish. (I'm being lazy about buying the others in Span. & I'm not sure they've translated number 6 in Arabic yet... haven't found it anyway) I also just recently got the first one in Irish Gaelic... so excited about that :D
Umberto Eco... I had to read Name of the Rose at LCU... loved it... Baudalino was pretty good too... I'm having a hard time w/ The Mysterious Flame of Queen Leona though.
Um Zakiyyah... I didn't think the sequel could touch If I Should Speak, but A Voice is just as good... And so was Footsteps.. They really make you think...
Anne McCaffrey... Baba's fault. He got me hooked on the Pern (E not O) books while I was living n VH. I don't like much of her other stuff... but those are great.
Nora Roberts... I've enjoyed some of her stuff before, but that latest trilogy was great!
Random other books... The Bad Catholics Guide to Good Living is halarious. Cry the Beloved Country. Iola Leroy. Reading Lolita in Tehran. Habibi. The Poisonwood Bible (disclaimer, I don't think just anyone should read that one... it has some issues... but the writing is beautiful). How Firm a Foundation. The Samurai & the Tea. Blood Brothers (which I do think everyone should read). Beloved. Lions Blood & Zulu Heart. People of the _____ series. Clan of the Cave Bear (what a horrid movie... but the books...). The Bible (although I'll admit I don't read it very often). The Qur'an (yes.. it's on the list... very interesting). Rome Sweet Home. Invisible Man (not to be confused with The Invisible Man - which I have not read).
I'm sure there's more... I know there is... But my brain is starting to hurt & I need to get food...
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