DeY KnOw a.K.a. ThA MaYoR profile picture

DeY KnOw a.K.a. ThA MaYoR

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FoOtBaLL, WoMeN, AlCoHoL

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BoUt EvErYoNe BuT DoNt AsK Me FoR My AuToGrApH


BoOsIe BaDaZz PaC LiL WaYnE T.I. UGK PlAyAz CiRcLe FlO RiDa HoT DoLLa


ThE OnE aNd OnLy ReAsOn We HeRe JeSuS hImSeLf AnD My DaD ThRoUgH CaNcEr AnD HeArT aTtAcKs He LoVeS EvErY MiNuTe Of LiFe DiZ PaGe DeDiCaTeD To YoU OlD MaN