Surfing, Running,Kiteboarding, Wakeboarding.....Here's me and my afro from back in the day .. .. Here's a little clip from a movie my brother and I were in about 10 years ago called Fluid. .. ..Traveling (I think I have three continents left to visit), medicine, Darwin Awards-every year the winner is a complete surprise!!)Classic and exotic cars, Meuseums, Art galleries, the natural sciences, and a slight intrest in the religions of the world. Oh and I can cut the rug too, almost as good as this guy... .. I need to get back on my kite! Andre my opinion one of the smoothest, stylish riders out there.
Anyone that is easy going, fun, and likes to get out and do things. I'll be new again in Houston after spending the past year out of the country. Everyone I know has moved away so its time to get out and make some new friends. And don't think, "This guy already has friends", if you look at everyone they live all over the country and the world. I know all these people from school down in the islands. So say hello!!
Just about anything.....except for Reggaeton. I can go from Bach to The Beastie Boys in a second!
The Big Lebowski, Step Into Liquid, Mayday, All the Pixar films, Saving Private Ryan, Match Point, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Black Hawk Down, A Broke Down Melody
Grey's Anatomy, House M.D., History channel, Discovery channel, TLC, Disocvery Health, MTV2, Tempo, and any other music channel that will actually show music.
Zero Point-A physics book about anti-gravity, Robbins Medical Pathology-kind of dry and everyone dies in the end, Body Language
My dad and my mom. Both have come a long way from nothing and raised two boys into men that managed to stay out of trouble and neither managed to screw us up in the process.