My Interests went out the window with my youth, I don't like anything, I am not very interested in anything anymore except MONEY I AM OBSESSED WITH MONEY. Ha Ha just kidding I am interested in new religion except Scientology Kill all the fuckers. oh yeah and in babies, furries, and craigslist lame-o's. and SHIT CLUB!!!
Hamburgler, The Fry Kids, Some Bitches, A FireTruck, People who want to be in a band with me... and The Wise Old Owl. I wish to meet Ashlee Simpson before she marries that Douchebag, a whole bunch of dead people like Miles Davis and shit. the blabbermouth, The Venus Fly Trap on Little Shop of Horrors, and lets well the inventor of Tabasco sauce. SHIT CLUB!!!
A bunch of Singer/Songwriters and bands from Denver. You know the whose cool on the cool list. Military Marching Bands. Whatever Spin Magazine says is cool. People who sing and dance while using jazz hands. RADIOHEAD!!! if Bobby Mcfarrin and Micheal Winslow and the Fat Boys started a band that would be some jive shit. SHIT CLUB...
I don't watch Movies I make them up in my head. besides who gives a crap about Hollywood. SHIT CLUB
Best Week Ever. The fat people show, Monkey couch, oh and I love toxic brain surgery in the dark its on FOX I think. The tv is my nightlight it will scratch my feet evey once in a while. SHIT CLUB...
I am now reading how to clean up after a Meth Lab Explosion. and SHIT CLUB...
Tom and Jerry. and that Monolith thing in 2001 A Space Odyssey. oh yeah and SHIT CLUB...