so i basicly dont use this anymore. facebook me. profile picture

so i basicly dont use this anymore. facebook me.

SOPHMORES: there good for lickin

About Me

(this layout created by: )about me. lets see. i love a bunch of things: music( any kind i love it all) movies (scary movie 1,2,3,4 date movie, not another teen movie) any funny movies-, i love being weird,i love my friends! all of them! i love laughing ( its all ido literly! lol) i love being loud, i love getting kicked out of places, i love texting and talking on the phone for hours not short little stupid annoying phone calls, I LOVE GUYS! i love when people say stuff weird i love the colors hot pink, lime green, and yellow,i love getting in troble for stupid things lol i love the sports i play! i love spandex lol i love random people,i lvoe hot guys, i love funny people, i love loud people, i love clothes, i love getting ready for formal things, i love the computer, i love the warmth! i love the summerrr!!!!! i love getting school supplies lol and panting my nails, remebering funny stuff from the past, swimteam (even tho i dont do it anymore lol) late summer nights in brittnays coldsac! trying on weird outfits, sleepovers, summer love, guys that: are tall, have abs, and tan are extremly hot! i love how everywhere i go with my friends we get asked if we are drunk or high( when were not becuase we to cool for that lol) i love being immature, rollercosters, concerts, water parks, the smell of calone(expessaly feirce), being around guys that smell good, swimming, going to the park, i love spanish food! i love popcorn, mmaking up dances i lvoe my dogs and my family, being a good friend, having good friends, funny little boys, quoting funny movies and funny things that happened, playing four square, flashlight tag, tag, freeze tag,all those fun games lol i love water ballon fights, shaving cream fights cake fights mud fights all fights exept for the yellling ones lol, i love yelling at people for no reason! i love stuffted anmials and chocolate and candy, i love being hyper! i love going shopping and to the avanue i love the rink, i love my teams and everything about the season nad the sport! i love school, exept for the learning and stuff,swimming with my clothes on, the lake, the beach, tubing, rope swings, trying new things,getting lost, going to partys,being late to school, leaving early from school, riding the bus even tho some ppl think its "uncool", vido games, i love when people tell me that my friends are the weridest ppl theyve ever met! i love outside! i love walking places i love being a nomad in the summer lol i love being busy, i love god! lol and i love living day by day not knowing what is going to happen next and most of all i love life! lolthings i hate: when people hate there familys, when ppl cut there writst and when ppl kill them selfs!, everything orange cutting my nails, getting hives, my scar, people that are mean, back stabers, loosing stuff, my hair, homework, getting mad at ppl, when ppl get in pointless fights, computer games,staying home, when ppl are to serious, getting lectured, cleaning the house, cleaning my room, when people smell bad, sweating, being sick, throwing up, when guys are all over girls, little girls, annoying east hampton moms!not being able to sleep good, when people judge pther ppl before they meet them, i hate being told what to do,havign surgery, when people say random words in spanish, when people are sad, when im sad, crying, making big dicisions, faling things,when ppl blame you for things you didnt do, slow walkers, when i step on the back of someones shoes, when someone stps on the back of my shoe, when ppl done care about other ppls things, stalkers (ekem ms.mulus lol)when people are to caught up in being cool or trying to impress other people, when people are ocd ( even tho i am about somethings lol), when people are like i forgot to take m meds today OOPS!it annoys me so much, WHEN GUYS WHERE STRIPED POLOS WITH PLAD SHORTS!(i die inside everytime i see that, when pretty people call themselfs ugly, when people pretend to be clumbsy, when people think that they are sooo cool and/or when there really cocky, when people wear pants in the summer, when i get randomly hungery and theres no food lol, biting into things, waiting in line, when girls are TOO flirty, when people expect to much of you, i hate mail! i hate when lizards eat insects, i hate roadkill, i hate overprotective parents, i hate underpertctive parents, lol i hate death,i hate when people sing random things and get it stuck in your head, i hate hickups,and burping, i ahte when people dont eat or eat to much, i hate when ppl pretend to people people tehre not, and i hate when your teachers are pregnat, i hate mean substatuts, dickerson, i hate when people think that some sports are "lesbian", i hate non digital clocks! i hate when people are followers, i hate when people are obsessed with myspace or aim or the phone, i hate not being able to figure out how to load pics onto the comp., i hate when people abuse animals, getting hurt,when ppl deny things that u know are true, when ppl ditch ppl, when annoying ppl tag along with u, regreting things, I HATE NOT RED FIRE HYDRENTS! i hate the movie snow white, i hate scary movies and being scared, i hate pruns and prune juice, i hate not being good at school, being bored,i hate geting distracted, i hate fast food places b.c they might spit on your food,i hate when people dont date they "go out" i hate the sound of scatching on pillows when people call crayons crowns,saying the word boy even tho i cant help it, swimers ear, watching people get hurt, when things break, this might sound weird but i hate hating things lol and alot more things.random things about me: im really loud and hyper, i usuly say what i feel, i get annoyed by stupid things,i like to abreviate things, usually theres never a dull moment in my life, i want to be a run way model when i grow up but i dont think i will be, im really tall, i have the crazyist friends, i cant spell or type, my sn is molugo69, i hate when ppl "go out" before dating, i cant stand when people date ppl that arent in the same state, im very easily amused/bored easily, i enjoy the simple things in life, i like riding bikes lol, i love, i love forgian guys/ tan ones, and guys that have gorgues eyes. i dont hate anyone really. i like everyone until they give me a reason to not lol, i hate when people make up lies to make them seem better? if that makes sense, i like overexadurating stories then saying there nto true lol, i can make up random songs of the top of my head,my handwriteing sucks, my favorite resteraunt is moes! ive always wanted to go on a date to six flags or white water,its fun doing random stuff like watching ice melt in your hand, making up obsticle corses in the pool, seing how many flips you can do in a row in the pool, jumping on the trampoline expesally when it is snowing! i think i am outgoing, nice, a good friend, easygoing, athleteic, and stupid lol i think japanise anima is the stupidest thing ever invented i like watching anmial planet, the cooking chanel and the history chanel randomly lol i love when teachers love hating me if that makes sense, i love being in big groups of people, talking about random things, my favorite animal is an baboon idk why it just is? i annoying me so much when people get really spoiled and act like its nothing. my favorite words to say are apalachacola, nukker, avacado, guackamole, jock strap and pumpkin tits lol im always late, i forget alot of things, and i tend to keep people waiting lol i like maiking new friends at like camps in stuff, but i hate leaving them, im confusing, when i talk like a little faster than normal speed i combinde my words and say like 4 words at once, i talk weird, but i love talking i love it when ppl i dont know give me dirty looks! loli cant whistle and i can can snap 3 diffrent ways i can scream realllllly loud! lol and on rollercoasters i usually annoying the people infront or behind me on the rides,im scared of needles and the dark and of tubing even tho i love it i hate having no money, i lvoe cracking my back and my favorite starwars caters are r2d2 and yoda i can do the voice of golehm on lord of the rings, ive always wanted to go to alaska, hawii, australia, new zeeland, ,loas, dijibooti, chili, turkes and cacoes, a random unknown islad, and troodenhigen gremeneylol yeah so thats as much about me as you probably want to ever know, and im suprised if you read all of that and if you did u must really care about what i am like lol

My Interests

here's to hockey, the first love of my life...=/why do we skate back and forth night after night, late nights, early mornings, summers, vacations, cold rinks, friday nights, saturday evenings, broken bones, stitches and bruises. We skate through it all cause your invincible once you step on the ice, cause a nice play can make the entire night, cause scars are battle wounds, cause the rattle of the boards, sticks on the ice, & pucks off the posts is a rhythm to live by, cause it is possible to skate fast enough to leave life behind. you lace up the skates put on the gloves strap on the helmet & walk onto the ice & it doesn't matter that you failed the test, didn't get the guy, lost your best friend, have horrific family problems, or that you got a ticket on the way there, you're world is right for the next couple hours. Thats why we do itIt happens on a random monday, coming back from an event on a sunday night... ur driving, ur flying, ur sitting in an airport seat w/ girls from the team... ur coming back to the other life, the one without hockey... where no one understands why u do it, ur tired, ur working off little sleep, the question creeps up and u try to ignore it, why do i do this... why the travel, why the losses, missed work, missed school, hours of practice, and the complaining friends because, the lure of living the hockey life is just too potent, and the products of the road, the travel, are memories forever.. at tournaments, it feels like, for once, u actually get to live as loud as u want, it's worth the sacrifices, it's worth the bullshit.. HOCKEY

I'd like to meet:



M Modern
O Odd
R Rich
G Great
A Appreciative
N Neglected
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Name Acronym Generator
From not so much rich.... o well


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Take the quiz:
Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are You?

Awe YAH! You're the party dude! You enjoy goofing off and pulling pranks! Life's a beach! People NEED you in order to lighten up! Happiness isn't a destination, it's simply a way of life! You like games, sports, and many different activities involving showing off your athletic skills! Does annoying your sisters and brothers count? Ehehe! You enjoy being the center of attention, the star of the show, and the known joker of the group! Gotta make 'em laugh!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!