Sports, mechanical things, books, learning, talking, laughing, friends, family, comedy, music, school...easily entertained.
I don't really mind who I meet, I love positive people with goals, but I don't really care, I like to meet people, except for the ones that scare me!sometimes that can be weird.
Anyone I can look at, pretend i'm wearing a head seat, cover my mouth slightly, and say in a very whispery, excited voice..."and the pickles, and the pickles, pickles, sweet and sour, and the Piiickles"....and they immediately know what i am talking, we are instant friends
Create your own friendquiz here
Anyhting, I've been known to bust our the country, hip-hop, rock, rap, oldschool rock, uh, and actually some raegae
(spelling?)...haha, i really do like everything.
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