♥ i.D.a &clubs S.a.N ™ ♥ profile picture

♥ i.D.a &clubs S.a.N ™ ♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

+ iDa +
+ 1st JaNuArY +
+ BdR.BaRu BaNgI +
+ 22 yRs +
+ sTiLl LoOkiNg 4 Da SuItAbLe JoB +
+ CiViL eNgInEeRiNg +
+ SiMpLe +
+ ePy Go LuCkY +
+ LikE 2 Go WiNdOw sHoPpInG +
+ tRaVeLliNg +
+ dReAmInG +
+ LoVe wEsTeRn FoOd +
+ LoVe sEaFoOd +
+ LoVe sInGiNg sO MuCh +
+ LoVe s.O.A.d'z sOnG +
+ LoVe pErFuMe +
+ LoVe 2 cOoK +
+ LoVe 2 eAt +
+ LoVe 2 TaLk sO MuCh +
+ LoVe 2 WaTcHiNg MoViEs +
+ LoVe 2 DeCoRaTe mY RoOm +
+ LoVe 2 tHiNk +
+ LoVe MySeLf sO MuCh +
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes
Myspace Generators
Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

...Nobody in My List...

Myspace Layouts

DaY iN MeMoRiez

+ My GaDuAtIoNz DaY +

+ 28th MaY 2007 +


..::sLoW rOcK::..
Sean Kingston Lyrics
Beautiful Girls Lyrics ..

Free Music


..::DiScOvErY cHaNnEL::..
..::JaLaN2 cArI MaKaN::..
..::DeCo BeRsAmA ErIc::..
..::EkSpReSi LaMaN::..


..::mY tExT bOoK::..
..::mY DiaRy::..
..::mY MoM cOoKiNg'z BoOk::..
..::tRaVeLLiNg'Z bOoK::..


..::mY FaThEr::..
..::mY gRaNdFaThEr::..
..::mY bRoThEr::..

My Blog

mY DrEaM...

1.Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with?    - Hell yeah...but b professional...gentle beb!!! Hehehe... 2. What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons?   &...
Posted by ♥ i.D.a &clubs S.a.N ™ ♥ on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 10:23:00 PST

Itz me...

I wake in the darkshowers of lightmoments of emptynessaround flouting awayno rays of hopereality brings me...To the ground,what can i do?What can i say?I need a place to hide awayJust for a whileJust ...
Posted by ♥ i.D.a &clubs S.a.N ™ ♥ on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 11:07:00 PST

Never be replaced...

Baby i love you (i love you) and I'll never let you go(let you go),But if I have to, boi I think that you should know(think that u should know),All the love we made (love we made)can never be erased(e...
Posted by ♥ i.D.a &clubs S.a.N ™ ♥ on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 11:01:00 PST