Sarah Leesy profile picture

Sarah Leesy

I am here for Friends

About Me

I love: hugs, music, writing, good movies, sand between my toes, snuggling, cooking, seeing God's work in my life and other's, smiling, laughing, and crying because I'm laughing so hard.I want: to continue to be inspired by God to day in day out do His will, to write a beautiful song that inspires others, to paint something I'm proud of, to find ways to strengthen my gifts, and to continue to maintain contact and lifelong friendships with those that will forever share with me in random, simplistic moments of joy.

My Space or Yours? Myspace Layouts and more at!

My Blog

BLOG IS BACK! haha, look at this and tell me what you think (please!?) =0)

Back to the blog!  I figured its been seriously a year since I wrote in this thing and wanted to jot down some thoughts.  hmm...I don't seem to have any right now, so maybe later.  Oh, ...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 02:33:00 GMT

Winter Camp Pics =)

I'm too tired for anything else, so PICTURE UPDATE. This was winter college camp. It was an amazing, fun, adventurous, relaxing weekend full of LOVE...Feb 4th-6th. It was a great experience and I w...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Feb 2005 01:11:00 GMT

Tired. Sick. Missing people.

I'm kinda confused about things in my life right now. Its not bad...just...confusing. It's just weird when you don't know what to think.
Posted by on Tue, 11 Jan 2005 00:54:00 GMT

Christmas, new years, and everything in between...

I haven't updated in 20 gazillion years and thats just not right. The only problem is, I'm stuck in one of those places now where its like, you haven't written in your diary for a year and you're tryi...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Dec 2004 00:44:00 GMT

What essential indie rock album are you?

You are Belle & Sebastians If Youre FeelingSinister. What essential indie rock album are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by on Fri, 03 Dec 2004 13:07:00 GMT

picture timeeee

i know I just updated...but I wanted to picture update too because I think its always fun to do that. I'm pretty sure these are all in order...they start back in August when Upper Room had our yout...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Nov 2004 00:26:00 GMT

Happy days

I am so happy for this reason: I am completing the cleaning of my room tonight. I started organizing like two weeks ago, bagging things I didn't wear, folding and stacking the things I did...and it...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Nov 2004 22:19:00 GMT


I'm kinda feeling negative today, maybe a little sad. And I don't even know why completely. I mean, part of it could be the bad test grade this morning that pretty much has shut me down since I got ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Oct 2004 12:06:00 GMT