..Theme Parks with big roller costers*Robots* The beach * watching clouds, or anything alive * Reading a good book in the grass* gemstones and bug jewelry* Mr. Burns* mary jane* *Philosophy* Cats * Air hockey * Beer Pong...or just Beer * Sky Diving * owls* Football * swimming * ice skating * gymnastics * video games * cartoons *Sexy men that are qualified geeks* Summer sunshine * Pizza * chips n salsa * Cheese cake * Beef Jerky * Chocolate... almost all foods * hibernating trees * Paintings and Photography * The colors periwinkle and sea foam green* laughing* Birthdays and Halloween * Streaking through the rain or sprinklers on warm nights * Anything that flys * LOVE *
You'd be here all day...anything I can just fucking rock it to!
Fight Club, Terminator 2, The Fifth Element, , John Waters flicks, YOUTUBE, The People vs. Larry Flynt, Dumb and Dumber, Airplane!, Evil Dead 2, What Dreams May Come, Forrest Gump, Resident Evil, Beetleguese, Primal Fear... Anything with EDWARD NORTON, Almost all Disney Movies, Dragon Heart, As Good as it Gets
I LOVE LUCY, The Simpsons, Rocko's Modern Life, Futurama, Family Guy, Seinfield...yes still, and other shows besides reality
Reading = Knowledge= Truth n Power
My Dad, Lucielle Ball