J@X profile picture


Well-behaved' women rarely make history

About Me

Hey...I'm Jacqui. I like to think of myself as a seeker, at least until I can figure out where my place is. I pretty much like everything and everyone except those with the following traits; selfishness, snobbery, inappreciativeness, and dishonesty. I especially like people and experiences I can learn from. I guess in a way we as people learn from everyone we meet and everyday occurrences'. However, only some teach you pieces of what it takes to successfully make it on this dysfunctional planet we call home. Good luck finding someone who can have more fun with life than me. If you live turning lemons into lemonade, you're my kind of person. Words of advice to all of you...Live for the moment every other day. Think ahead the others. Don't waste brain cells on stupid people that bring you down. Live for yourself and NO ONE else, but appreciate every little person or thing that crosses your path.Even the bad things that come along are good for you in the end.

My Interests

..Theme Parks with big roller costers*Robots* The beach * watching clouds, or anything alive * Reading a good book in the grass* gemstones and bug jewelry* Mr. Burns* mary jane* *Philosophy* Cats * Air hockey * Beer Pong...or just Beer * Sky Diving * owls* Football * swimming * ice skating * gymnastics * video games * cartoons *Sexy men that are qualified geeks* Summer sunshine * Pizza * chips n salsa * Cheese cake * Beef Jerky * Chocolate... almost all foods * hibernating trees * Paintings and Photography * The colors periwinkle and sea foam green* laughing* Birthdays and Halloween * Streaking through the rain or sprinklers on warm nights * Anything that flys * LOVE *

I'd like to meet:



You'd be here all day...anything I can just fucking rock it to!


Fight Club, Terminator 2, The Fifth Element, , John Waters flicks, YOUTUBE, The People vs. Larry Flynt, Dumb and Dumber, Airplane!, Evil Dead 2, What Dreams May Come, Forrest Gump, Resident Evil, Beetleguese, Primal Fear... Anything with EDWARD NORTON, Almost all Disney Movies, Dragon Heart, As Good as it Gets


I LOVE LUCY, The Simpsons, Rocko's Modern Life, Futurama, Family Guy, Seinfield...yes still, and other shows besides reality


Reading = Knowledge= Truth n Power


My Dad, Lucielle Ball

My Blog


Here is a psychological game. If you want to try it, message me your answers and I will tell you what they mean. It's pretty fun. Before moving onto the next question, think long and hard about the cu...
Posted by J@X on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 01:37:00 PST

It's sick...it's vulgar...and it stomach clenching...

  It's stick deaths.  
Posted by J@X on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 06:13:00 PST