Casey profile picture


Why dont you go f**k a duck?

About Me

I've begun my first semester at GVSU and am looking forward to the challenge. I live in an apartment with J and am looking forward to having tons of fun and meeting boatloads of new people.

My Interests

I'm a big Red Wings, Pistons, Lions, and Tigers fan, I will pretty much watch any sporting event that I can find. I also attempt to play golf when i can find another poorsucker to go with me. I like meeting new people, listening to music,

I'd like to meet:

Barack Obama-his speech at the '04 DNC was the most brilliant piece of oratory I have ever heard. It gave me hope for a better America, the kind of America that George Bush would rather poop on.


I like most anything as long as it's not that hardcore screaming, rap, rock, all works for me. John Mayer is the man whether you like it or


Anchorman, Wedding Crashers (MA! THE MEATLOAF!), The 40 Year Old Virgin, Tommy Boy, Super Troopers, Dirty Work, Office Space, Dodgeball, The Shawshank Redemption, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Good Night and Good Luck


sports center is really the only show i watch on any kind of regular other favories include Letterman, Unsolved Mysteries, Seinfeld, the Simpsons, and of course, The Price is Right


Anything by Dan Brown-The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons were both amazing books . Anything by Al Franken is highly recommended, and right now i'm working on Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood"


I hold far too many people in high regard for various reasons to pick specific ones and call them my heroes. But I've got to give props to the person who invented blue moon ice cream

My Blog

First blog ever/This week is going to blow

So yeah. i should be working on my comparative democracy essay which must be done for tomorrow. but i just cant seem to focus for two damn seconds, so here i am typing a blog for three ...
Posted by Casey on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 07:32:00 PST