The two things I try hardest to have and look for in friends are honesty and loyalty. Of course there are a lot more, but those are the big ones.
Honesty for obvious reasons. I'm brutally honest. If you ask me something I'll answer it, whether it's about what I think of you or something really personal about me. I don't lie unless it's to protect someone.
I'm EXTREMELY protective of my friends. If you fuck with them, we'll have a problem. But if you're a good person, I'll basically do anything for you. It's all about loyalty. If you deserve it, you'll get it. If you make a mistake, I'll forgive you. But sorry means you'll do your best to not repeat whatever happened, and if you keep doing it, you wont be forgiven.
Eyes are a glimpse at who a person is. They can lie and they can change, but thats the same as how people are. When I first meet someone, I wont judge them based on age, race, religion, clothing, interests.. but I may judge them on their eyes.
Art is my love. I'm the type of person that can't focus on most things, but when I'm doing art, it's completely different. I'm in my own world and nothing matters but what's in front of me. I really like that feeling.
I'm really easy to get along with and like most people. I'm the type of person that will go out of her way to get to know a friend better and I'm always a fan of people wanting to know me better. So ask me questions. I've had an.. intense life so I promise I wont be boring =P Even if I do repeat my stories a million times.
"In the end, it'll be okay. If it's not okay, its not the end"
"Truth isn't based on fact or reason. Truth is what everyone agrees with"
"Sleep is for the weak; sleep when you're dead!"
"If you can't convince them, confuse them"
-Harry Truman
"I haven't been this happy since Al Gore was President Elect. You know, when the networks fot it right"
-Gabe Bombara
"The bad should never outweigh the good."