I'm Becca
woah woah, studying radio at c-pit.. loving the mighty christchurch and everything that comes with it, wouldn't have it any other way.
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Be-recca!
Forty percent of the world's almonds and twenty percent of the world's peanuts are used in the manufacture of Be-recca!Without Be-recca, we would have to pollinate apple trees by hand!Be-recca is the world's smallest mammal!A Be-reccaometer is used to measure Be-recca.The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armour raised their visors to reveal Be-recca!Research indicates that Be-recca will be attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.The ace of spades in a playing card deck symbolizes Be-recca!South Australia was the first place to allow Be-recca to stand for parliament.Be-recca cannot burp - there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in her stomach.Baskin Robbins once made Be-recca flavoured ice cream!
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