+LeAveTh Me A COMm3nT!!!+
My NAme iS NiCoLE.. I LOve MeTAL!!! My FAv. C0LoR iS BLACk & GR33n (T0g3TheR) I THiNk -CRiSs_AnGeL- FuKkinG RAwKS!+ ^T_T^ I AM At Level 140 in VAmPireS HahA -I LOve HoRRoR FiLMS!!!- I FuCKinG LOveTh Mocha CoFFee & Energy DRiNks! P3nGu1NS/Snakes/Bats/Wolves/etc.. Are AweSOme! uH... I'm VeRy Intrested in Ancient History/Animals/MuSiC/Art/Design & FiLM ^_^ Orgy iS My FAv. BAnD I LOve To Be iN LOve... I'm Nice... Until yOu Give Me A Reason Not to be... ^-_-^ I HAte Stereotypes.. Hypocrites.. Liars... Racism... ANd Animal Cruelty...
I AM A Pacifist...
I AM 100% Against The use of Drugs!!! HONESTLY...I am W3iRd enough without Th3m....HahA But iF YOu WAnt To FuCK YOuR Life up, Go ahead... ^_^ I DOnT DRinK...So yeah..
uM...I am NOT religous... There iS So much shit GOing on iN the WORld... We DOnt need to make it worse... Life's To SHoRt... I LOve R3Ading!!! I StROngLy EnCOuRAge iT! =] I LOveTh The HARRy POtt3R & TwiLiGhT SeRieS' ^_^ I LOve My Pets!!! =] [They ConSist oF 20 CAts,2 dogs,& A RAbbiT] [I Am TotALLy A CAt PeRSon] ^_^ I GOt WiTh AN Aw3S0meSs D3wd NAmed JuStiN oN ThE 21 oF Aug. ^_^ I LikeS Him A LOts!!! ^*_*^ uM... ThE AnG3L SeRieS iS FuKkiN RAd!!! I DuNN0 WHAT Else.. AnyThinG YOu WAntS To KNOw.. JuST MeSsAGE Me!! ^._.^ +LOveTh_Th3_P3nGu1NS!+
-> xXGothicChickenXx
CURRENTMOON moon phaseinfo
I'm A Caitiff!
You aren't surewhere you came from. Perhaps your sire did an embrace and run. Ormaybe your sire was an outcast himself. Either way, your powers areunique and really don't belong to any clan...or maybe a little fromeach. Because you of these circumstances, you aren't really surewhere you belong. You tend to wander and do a bit of soul searchingin your eternal life. Maybe some day...you have a while afterall.
What Vampire ClanDo You Belong To? The Caitiffs are clansless. And are a new aspect to the vampire'ssociety. They don't have anyone to teach them Disciplines, and noone to tell them of the Traditions. This doesn't mean they don't knowany Disciplines, they could very well make their own, but usuallythey figure out a few small tricks to a few Disciplines. Some mayeven group together every once in a while, but not likely. They prefertheir freedom, and the will to do what they will. Caitiffs are vampires with no clan to call their own. This usuallyhappens because their sire despised them and left them to die. Andthe occasional victim of feeding gets lucky, and some how gets someof the vampires blood. They are also the rebellious ones, and sometake leave of their sire and do as they will, most of the time movingto a new city or some where remote. Most of the other clans look upon the Caitiff as trash, weak blooded,no knowledge of who and what they are and leave them to themselves as long as they don't cause any trouble, and most defiantlydon't break the Masquerade
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Whatever you do, DON'T CLICK ONTHIS!!!
Pac-Man ..Game Code 4 yourpage CAN YOU READ THIS:??? [I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? >yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt !.!.! > > > > >]
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Fear Yourre-occuring nightmare
Personality Rate four
Quiz created withMemeGen !
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Which Roadrunner Records Band areYou?
You are Murderdolls.You used to be known as The Rejects. You play music that's heavybut in a different way, or glamrock. Your vocalist, known asWednesday 13, sings like a monster from a horror movie, which issort of the overall theme you're going for. You also have JoeyJordison from Slipknot, the best drummer in the world. But he playsguitar for you.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World'sBiggest Yearbook!
You are the selfish Goth, a sad existence youtend
to only care about yourself. You may have
been hurt by others and you tend to like
getting revenge to those whom you hate. You
tend to blame everything on yourself and you
tend to punish yourself as well. You do
strange things to keep even a shred of
What goth are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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What Band's Symbol areYou?
Slipknot's symbol represents you best.You can be evil at times, and even be satanic. You love loud musicand probably like black or death metal. You're cool.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World'sBiggest Yearbook!
Vampire Rave
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