My name is Carla and I am 23 years old. I have recently graduated college with a degree in Business Management and Human Resources. While I have sent out many resumes and had several interviews, none have yet appealed to me enough to accept. Because I am currently a supervisor at a resturant, I have a secured job for a few extra months while I continue to look for a new one. I have one cat named Cally, and I love her! She's my baby. I am dating a wonderful guy who is very much a gentleman and treats me well. He is kind, intellegent, passionate, and fun to be around. He understands me, is patient with me, and makes me feel safe. While we both have our own little quirks, we both understand where eachother is coming from, are patient with one another, and we do a fairly good job of working them out. We like to hang out, play, and most importantly, laugh together and love on each other.
I have been blessed with an amazing life so far, filled with wonderful opportunities, absolutely amazing friends, and out-of-this-world experiences including moving, living in different states, and traveling to Mexico, Canada, Venezuela, and China and Columbia. There is so much more I would love to do before I grow up and start living life in the business world. I just bought a brand new 2008 Ford Escape. Everyone keeps asking how I bought it, and I respond....'You know all those nights and weekends you always asked me to get together/go out/go bowling/go dancing etc. and I said I couldn't because I had to work? Yep! That's how I bought it! And I am DAM proud too.'
I am a daughter, niece, sister, aunt and a girlfriend. I am a best friend, lover, laugher, crier, and a strong woman. I am a runner, basketball player, fisher, biker, reader, singer, and a piano player. I am strong, accomplished, kind, caring, loving, friendly, talkative, outgoing, adventurous, emotional, animated, mysterious, thankful, sympathetic, optomistic, inquisitive, confident, creative, grateful, frisky, bouncy, cheerful, passionate, and blessed.
My motto in life is to live life to the fullest. I want to experience everything I possibly can. I want to enjoy life, and my friends, and take advantage of every opportunity I'm presented with. We do not always get second chances in life, so I try to make the most of everything God gives me. I am exciting and ambitious, funny and spontaneous, out-going and fun-loving. I laugh like it's my second nature and have a million little 'unique' quorks which my closest friends love to remind me of. I have a ton of friends and love to stay in touch with everyone. I have a few best friends, who are amazing and have been there for me through everything. God has blessed be abundantly in all areas of my life and I am truly thankful for Him allowing me to see how He has worked in every area of my life. I've lost a lot, but learned even more; I've grown up and matured, but kept my childish positives; I loved, and loved some more, then when I was done and fed up, I loved even more. I've lived life to the fullest and yet sometimes still fill so empty, like all that I've done was in vain. That's ok though, no one ever got anywhere focusing on the "I shoulda's" and "What if's?" I LOVE my life, and wouldn't have things any other way. This is just the end of the begining......
Glitter Graphics Maker & MySpace Layouts
Myspace Layouts at / *pretty pink hearts!*
***SOME GREAT QUOTES*** "Don't look at my you fucking stripedeedoo!!"
"A drunken self speaks a sober heart."
"Shut up Ros, you should stupid."
"He looks familiar...I think I slept with him...I'm not sure though."
"Everytime, for a whole year, HE always called ME. You would think I would see a HUGE red flag HELLO?! Nope, I just kept on drinking and driving."
"I'm not black, but Heyyyy...Hooooo..."
"Ur a hoe...say...Jack and Jim" (Three Wise Men)
"I think alcohol affects me at this point, but I'm not sure."
"Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile."
"You MUST see the humor in that! I think that's the first time I've ever seen anyone punch themselves in the face while trying to sniff their own armpit! HAHA!"
"Well, apparently I underestimated your ability to walk! CRAP! I broke my favorite toy!"
"All I want to do is be able to send and receive text messages in a timely fashion! Stupid fruit filled phone!"
I got this Sexy Comment from!
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