Things She Likes... MUSIC! SnowmobiLing. Camping. Tubing. Water-skiing. Kneeboardng. Running. Tanning. Shopping. Riding MotorcycLe With Dad. Meeting new peopLe. Partying. Punk. Rock. Emo. Gone In 60 Seconds. Fast and Furious. 2 Fast 2 Furious. Fast N Furious 3. The ItaLian Job. How High? HeraLd & Kumar Go To White CastLe. Bio Dome. American Pie movies. Dumb & Dumber. Super Troopers. Grandma's Boy. Jackass 2 John Tucker Must Die Half Baked Beerfest The O.C.
I WANT TO MEET YOU! yes you...weLL anybody reaLLy. Outgoing & fun peopLe! PeopLe who can get me to taLk a Lot, that make me smiLe. PeopLe that KNOW HOW to have some fun.MySpace Layouts
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i'm sheLby. i'm 16 =D. i have brown hair and green eyes. i'm 5'4". I LAUGH ALOT. I Love-- My Boyfriend Adam.. My Friends.. Tanning.. Shopping.. Going To Parties.. My bestest friends are Sammy, Fiona, & Amanda. i have an outgoing personaLity. i take Lots of risks. i really do feed on attention. i have absoLuteLy no seLf controL. i'm reaLLy kind hearted. i'm seLf confident. and pretty revengefuL. i'm easy to get aLong with and taLk to. i have an "every thing's peachy" attitude. i Like taLking and singing. iiiii LOVE music. i'm a big daydreamer. i get easiLy distracted. i reaLLy hate not being trusted. i gots me a BIG imagination. i Love to be Loved. i reaLLy reaLLy hate studying. i'm aLways in need of "that speciaL someone". i pretty much Long for freedom. i'm very rebeLLious, especiaLLy when i'm being withheLd or restricted. i Live by "no pain no gain". =i'm.[.[.caring. pLayfuL. mysterious. stubborn. curious. independent. strong wiLLed.].].= o yeah, and i Love to taLk =D
**Party Hardy..Rock-N-RoLL..Drink a Keg..Smoke a BowL..Life's a Bitch..Then You Die..So Fuck The WorLd..Lets Get High..For ALL The Preps That Think Your CooL..Fuck You Too Cuz Stoners RULE!! **Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of Life, so get wasted aLL the time and have the time of your Life. **If Your Not Wasted, Your Night Is.