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Devil Boy!

About Me

Well for starters I'm me :D. I'm a really random guy. and love having a laugh. I like to get paryletic drunk! Woohoo and listen to alot of music and I'm a hardcore gamer too. and if you think it's nerdy then I don't give a flying fuck cause you're more likely to have Angels fly out of you're Arse than me listen to you about it :).
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My Interests

My General interests are.... Music!, Playing my Guitar. Drinking!, flirting with girls. I'm a big flirt... I hang my head in shame.... =P. I started skating once but wasn't too good at it.. could of got better if I put more time and practise in but hey.... lifes a bitch. Hanging with my Hetro life mates x). Chasing pigeons and Tormenting squirrels. xD. I FUCKING HATE FURBIES!!!. REMEMBER THAT!. If you have one it WILL dissapear! I'm not saying how and who and the way it was destroyed....!!!

I'd like to meet:

You Are Wolverine
Small but fierce, you're a great fighter.
Watch out! You are often you're own greatest enemy.

Powers: Adamantium claws, keen senses, the ability to heal quickly Which of the X-Men Are You?


Soil, Saliva,Ill Nino, Korn, Slipknot, Godsmack,Sevendust, MushroomHead, Closure, Lost Prophets, Hoobastank, Coal chamber, A Perfect Circle, MachineHead, Disturbed, Alkaline Trio, Seether, Fuel, Zeromancer, Atreyu, Dry Cell, Trapt and lots more.


The Rock, Underworld, Queen of the Damned, Black Hawk Down, LOTR Trilogy.


Most Haunted.
My name is Earl.


Ha. I don't have the time or energy to read books. too much effort!!! but if I was t o read any then it would be the Lord Of The Rings trilogy xD.


Jay and Silent Bob!
Jack Black