PAPER TIGER STUDIOS profile picture


Paper Tiger Studios

About Me

Mac Pro with two dual xenon processors and 5 gigs of ram
Digital Performer software
Motu interfaces: the 896HD and 828MKII
Adam A7 studio monitors
API 512c preamp
Groove Tubes Brick preamp
Shure Ksm 27
Groove tubes gt66 tube mic
Groove tubes gt51
shure sm 57
shure beta 57
Studio projects C1
Sennheiser MD421
AKG C430
Shure Beta 52
Audix D6
Shure Beta 56
Audio-technica pro 25
Studio Instruments (free to use):
DW drum shells - 10" rack tom, 14" floor tom, 22x18 kick
Snares: DW 14x6 maple, and a custom made "Brotherhood" 14x8 20ply
Peavey 6505 head
Mesa Stiletto head
Ampeg bass combo amp
Custom "Avatar" guitar cab loaded with - one Celestion vintage 30 and one Celestion G12H30
Guitars: (free to use as well)
Epiphone Les Paul
Fender Tele
Guild acoustic guitar
Olp Bass guitar (four string)
Ibanez Active bass (four string)

My Interests


Member Since: 12/23/2005
Band Members:
Artist We've Recorded:
So Dark The Night
Under Watchful Eyes
The Bloodstain Prophecy
God As A Bullet
American Zero
i hope she dies
The Hartford Circus Fire
The Get-ups
Call It Even
Gnarwhale and the Roses Thorn
The Madison Voice
Caroline Monroe
Behold Eternity
Union Of The Fallen
To Die In Arms
Fall of Babylon
The New Black Jesus
All My Strength
Ate Bodies High
I Hope She Dies
Pain Awaiting
Seldom Scene
The Monroe Street Heist
Buried With Crowns
Every Lie is True
Promise me silence
The Bride Antoinette
High Five, Atom Bomb
Under One Flag
Bright City
The Crimson Armada
Flight to Fiji
Tales Of Iscariot
Before We Met
Adam Kimura
For The Proud
The Epidemic And Her Plague
The Grace Accord
Romance to Revenge
In Waking Divinity
Winner Takes All
In Journal Kept Secret
Made To Break
Leaving Autumn
I Against The Tower
Capital Tragedy
Product of thought
Tomorrow is Dead
Certain Serenity
The Epic
Safety In Darkness
Empathy For A Cause
The Ghost of Green Acres
Anatomy of a Murder
Adam Miller
Once We Were Outlaws
Goodbye Madison
Air Guitar On The Radio
In Tha Cut
Somewhat Minor
Attack Attack
What We Are
Collapse At the Front Line

Influences: Matt Squire
Kurt Ballou (God City Studios){converge}
Adam D (you all know him)
Neal Avron (very sweet dude)

Sounds Like: Rock n' Roll
Record Label: We Are A Recording Studio
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Recording relies on multiple things to get the best sound possible. First off:Using the best gear you can get your hands on is a must, playing those crappy b8 or zbt cymbals aren't going to make the s...
Posted by PAPER TIGER STUDIOS on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 08:25:00 PST


MESSAGE ME FOR PRICING with this information:-how many songs you want to record-what days of the week are you available to schedule a session-what kind of gear you are planning on using-what type of g...
Posted by PAPER TIGER STUDIOS on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 07:59:00 PST