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Kill Whitey

Good morning. And in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.

About Me

There is something about using the word "e-mail" as a verb that I find so disturbing that it actually sends chills up my spine. My current form of amusement is drinking really expensive beer and writing really lame music that sounds like it was written by a child of 5, recording it and hoping this will at least give me a reason to travel. I've recently had an urge to move to Japan. I highly recommend a Suite at the Plaza hotel in NYC if you are ever offered one. There is no such thing as ethics in journalism anymore and that needs to end. I do not search for people on this thing unless I have met you and say hey I'll find you, if you want to be my friend you need to ask and even then I probably won't add you. Also, if you are under the age of 18 and I do not know you, go away, you kids send too many chain letters. However, I do reserve the right to make exceptions. I really enjoy telling time by the 24-hour clock rather than the 12-hour. I have given up on everything I know and am just letting God do his will for me and so far even the fall out of that has made me happier than I have ever been. Really, I may seem like I am not interested in what you have to say or your conversation but I'm just as content listening as I am talking, if not more so because I usually stick my foot in my mouth at least once a day plus I enjoy fascinating orators and I tend to ramble (I guess in order to be considered an orator, one should inherently be fascinating but you know what I'm getting at). While I am on the subject of talking, yes we know you like to hear yourself talk and read what's so fascinating about your hip life in your cheeky blog but will you please stop using the phrase "But I digress?" Seriously, the only time kids don't claim ADD or ADHD is when they themselves are the center of attention due to long-winded ramblings. We know you've digressed because we lost track of what you were saying an hour ago. Get back to the point and use a slightly smoother and less obvious transitional phrase.

My Interests

In General: Music and anything having to do with food and beverage. Specifically:Beer,Whiskey, Seafood, anything Spicy, gourmet pops, tonics (AJ Stephens Raspberry-Lime Rickey is practically perfection), and sodas, preferably those made with pure cane sugars, Long Walks on the Beach, Hockey, Useless Kitchen Gadgets, oh and Afternoon Tea

I'd like to meet:

the yeast at the bottom of my glass of beer


These days it's all about pop. Current obsessions: Larry Norman, She & Him, Simon and Garfunkel, the new Death Cab for Cutie, Billy Joel's "The Stranger", The Decemberists, The Bridges, The Beach Boys, trying to find a physical copy of Dennis Wilson's Pacific "Ocean Blue",


back to the future 2, any hood movie, recently Rocket Science, the Kill Bills, Gone With The Wind, Casablanca and I've come to realize anything with John Cusack or involving Cameron Crowe


I watch terrible shows as often as possible. What I like about you, The Amanda Show, The Simpsons, Family Guy, MXC, Saved by the Bell, Painting with Bob Ross, Antique Roadshow, Frontier House, Rich Girls, 40 dollars a day, 30 minute meals, Gilmore Girls, Dawsons Creek, Providence, Law and Order(the original and SVU ONLY), Little Britain!!!!


Non-fiction mostly, or historical fiction, books on logic, law, music, death destruction filth and greed. The Bible, poltical propaganda from all parties. Recently I have gotten more into the fiction side of things, trying to read the classics and then some Currently Reading: Tender is the night, A Year of Living Biblically


God, Joseph Shumpeter

My Blog

The Savior of My Workday

Seriously, Whoever writes on the best-of-Craigslist, you are pure genius. I crack up on a daily basis because of your rants, suggestions, sale of thumbtacks, et cetera. This world may be going to hell...
Posted by Kill Whitey on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 06:14:00 PST

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus By Francis P. Church, first published in The New York Sun in 1897. [See The People's Almanac, pp. 13589.] We take pleasure in answering thus prominently the c...
Posted by Kill Whitey on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 08:40:00 PST