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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a dad. I've long thought that my gravestone (if I'm not cremated) could simply say "Here lies Brad. He was DAD". ...............We are "Born to Serve". Most people just don't realize it yet. We are here to serve others, not the other way around, nor to be self-serving. I serve the Lord first, but I DO SO by serving OTHERS. Cuz, He doesn't really need anything, ya know? Servant leadership is what I strive for. ...............I was found by a WONDERFUL woman, so I'm off the market. Sorry ladies! (Try Russel Crowe!) ...............Now that my youngest of 5 children is an adult, I'll be somewhat freed-up to resume a lifetime of walking thru life's trials and triumphs with My Lady. ...............My firstborn (and Only Daughter) is 26 and lives w/her best friend and working while finding her calling................My oldest son was honorably discharged from the Army, after serving with The Old Guard in Virginia and is an Army Reservist, while working a security job for now...............My middle kid is a married college-man and now a father himself and just bought his first house! ...............My 4th kid is on Convalescence Leave from the Marines after breaking his neck in training, and may soon be medically discharged, and HE'S buying a house, too!. ...............And my youngest son is in the Air Force, stationed at Bagram Airforce base in Afghanistan..........................Me? I relentlessly pursue excellence in my work, and I'm into politics and culture as it affects our lives, and the life of our country and the world beyond. We are blessed to be a blessing. I love meaningful conversation, and small group activities that build relationships, challenge the mind, and can be fun. Hey, I'm a fun guy! And I blog. Read some at ...............This shall change and grow, as do we all....
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Any president but especially current President Bush. Peggy Noonan, Tom Hanks, Gen. Tommy Franks, Oliver North, Jim Carrey, Michael Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Condi Rice, Michael W. Smith, Julius Irving (Dr. J), Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Tony Blair, Ron Howard, Russel Crowe (to ask him if HE gets mistaken for ME all the time too), Sidney Poitier, Mel Brooks, Neil Armstrong, any Holocaust camp survivors, Jack Black, Paul Reiser, Billy Crystal, the Apollo 13 crew, and Osama Bin Laden for 5 minutes with nobody looking...

My Blog

Where are we headed?

On the eve of perhaps the most transformational election in our nation's history, let us hearken to the ominous prediction of Norman Thomas, the Socialist Party USA's most successful presidential cand...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 04:30:00 GMT

The message of the Virginia Tech shootings:

We are all very vulnerable.While parents, poets, pundits, and politicians struggle to make sense of the senseless, we all grapple with the sad reality that evil is among us and tragedy could visit us ...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 09:40:00 GMT

Bush's Vietnam

Ted "Chappaquiddick/Quagmire" KennedyThat infamous caption for the battle in Iraq has been a favorite of the pacifist cut & run left since nearly the inception of the effort to liberate Iraq. How...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 16:04:00 GMT

They just don't GET it!

  Liberals NEVER seem to learn from history.     They're also so blinded by Bush-hatred (or poisoned partisanship) that absolutely NOTHING that is accomplished in Iraq&nb...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 18:34:00 GMT

My Halloween limericks

Halloween dangers With all of the dangers that threaten our kids, as they march in their costumes to say "Tricks or treats!", the scariest aspect, for many a parent, is the dental damage from al...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:02:00 GMT

Beavis & Butthead, or Madmen on the rise?

  The primary reason that this nation can ill afford to ever allow liberals to regain majority control in the Senate, the Congress, and (God forbid) the Whitehouse, is that they would not have ...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 08:33:00 GMT

Lady Liberty's essence still there

Lady Liberty still welcomes Like most Americans, when I first heard the news that visitor's access to the Statue of Liberty's crown will remain closed due to security concerns, I was saddened, ev...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 12:27:00 GMT

The way in which the NYTimes has hurt the US

The NYTimes' June 23rd publishing of an article revealing WAY TOO MUCH INFO to the world (and, therefore, our enemies {by our enemies I mean those Islamofascists who hate liberty, democracy, human rig...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 10:03:00 GMT

Pinch is no Pinchon

As the strong-willed, integrity-filled publisher of Lou Grant's fictitious newspaper, The L.A. Tribune,  Mrs. Pinchon understood her responsibility to her "community" with proper allegi...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 13:10:00 GMT

God bless Bill Gates and Warren Buffett

    Taken out of context, the news two days ago that the world's 2nd richest man was giving the lion's share of his wealth to the world's richest man might have fueled the envious have-...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 09:07:00 GMT