photography, writing, music, driving, hanging with the fam, building things, breaking things,FIRE!!!
people who dont fear living their lives to the fullest, and can help me find my sn: FireDawg858
yahoo: Firedawg858
msn: [email protected]
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is basically how i keep track of my life, any major moment in my life i can associate to a song i heard right after it happened. it ends up being a pretty fucked song usually that has nothing to do with what actually occurred, but still my mind uses that song to remember that exact moment in my life no matter where i happen to be.
if you wanna to see a good movie ask me i watch way too many...
dont watch much tv anymore, but i like to sit down with a six pack and watch the history or discovery channel every now and then.
i read some pretty sick shit, cant find alot of my books i think alex still has them. alex if youre reading this can i have my books back?
my parents because no matter what the situation is they know how to get the party started