DANAE profile picture


On the way home held your camera like a bible, just wishing so bad that it held some kind of truth

About Me

we recently discovered that my sister's dog will howl on command whenever he hears the interlude in norah jones "come away with me". one time he did it 10 times in a row. it's rad.

My Interests

reading. movies. LOST.The Office. Scrubs.sewing. crocheting. music. bowling. hair.paris.

I'd like to meet:

i love babar.


i like it. alot.


love them.


lost, scrubs, project runway, the office, heroes, the sopranos, america's next top model


The Bible, J.K. Rowling, Jane Austen, Donald Miller, C.S. Lewis, James Frey, Phillipa Gregory


JESUS, i love him and he loves me (why? i don't know, how? couldn't tell ya) and my best friend in the whole world...Alicia Michelle Fritts ooo ooo and korie!