* tina* profile picture

* tina*

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About Me

MyHotComments href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm15aG90Y29tbW VudHMuY29tL2dyYXBoaWNzLnBocD9pbmRleD1iZXN0"
MyHotComments I moved here to Plaquemine louisiana 2 1/2 ago to get married to my husband Shane...He has 2 small children that I am raising basically solo since he works away from home for a month at a time, Their names are Beth nd Mikey, she is 6 and he is 7... We own a house and are currently tring to do work on the place, we also have 2 dogs that are currently trying to tear the house down!! lol... Seriously though, they are bad dogs!!!!! Lovable but VERY untrained! Spoiled even.... My lil girl just graduated from Kindergarten and my lil man passed the first grade with flying colors, we were a lil worried at the first half of the year but we worked real hard here at home and he now passed with his Teachers saying he is one of their best readers!!! WHEW HOO Mikey!!! god Job to Beth too whom the Teachers are proud of with her levels All above average! Her teacher told me she was the best student in her class so you all will just have to excuse me a moment here but i think i have earned some bragging right's and just wanted to excercize them for a second!!! Anyway, this is my life and i just wanted to share a small piece of it with you, nothing glam but all real, If you want more just ask....... Take Care of Yourselves and also remember to take care of your family and friends because things don't mean much in life if you don't have loved one's to share them with!!!! Bye For Now...................!found this flowers layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com"mNvbS9tc3ZpZXcvdGlja2VyP2NpZD03MjA1NzU5NDA0NjIyNjM2NiZjeT1t cyZ0dD0xNiZhdD0wew Slideshow

My Interests

found this flowers layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com

I'd like to meet:

The Ghost Of Marilyn Monroe, The Everly Brothers cuz they are my dad's cousins... And Bill Gates! I want him to show me how to be a billionaire too! Nahhh, I'll just call Oprah and ask her, me and her are real tight!! (yeah,right)


I love all music, from swamp pop to rock(old & new)Alternative is good and I ain't scared to admit that i like country too! Just depends on what mood i'm in......
You Are Teal Green
You are a one of a kind, original person. There's no one even close to being like you.
Expressive and creative, you have a knack for making the impossible possible.
While you are a bit offbeat, you don't scare people away with your quirks.
Your warm personality nicely counteracts and strange habits you may have. What Color Green Are You?


I love old black and white classics, musicals(Seven Brides For Seven Brothers. The Entity is a cool one and The Evil Dead just rocks. Check it out!! It's an 80's scary gory one!


I watch sci fi channel, i am a ghost hunters junkie!! and turner classic movie channels. But I love Grey's Anatomy!! McDreamy's hot.


I love Ashes in The Wind. It's my all time favorite but as a kid i loved Where the Red Fern Grows, It can still make me cry!!! i am soooo pathetic


My grandma Hazel... She was only 4'9", weighed 89pds and had 12 badass kids(yes mom u too!!) I miss her.