ReN² profile picture


<b-teLL mE where it huRts-</b

About Me nice if yOu're nice tOo!.. g?.. naaah.. i'm NiCE tO everyonE! ........... we are all meant to fly... to soar... but then at timEs, we faiL...we faLL... so if ever y0u faiL and fall, feeL free... you know you can simpLy justCrAsh 0n ME... reNReN.

My Interests

i LoOovE coLLecting stuFfs like Zoids Robots, Marvel Action FigUres, LeGO, NBA CarDs, ShOes, NIKE BaLLeR ids and Tracy Mcgrady's stuff!.lOve playin bAsKetbaLL(dAmN!.. juSt missEd my highschOOL days when i was still a playa!..). lOve cOmputers, im a techy kind of guy!... aLL day i facE my PC playing Nba Live Series, Need for Speed:underground and SIMS 2 , surfin the net and dOwnloading cOOL stuffs and pati magresearch2??! haha YEAH ryt!!.

I'd like to meet:

aLL huMan beIngs!!!!..hehehe..


i LiKe aLL kinds of muSic as LOng as they r harMonious tO my eaRs!. hehe.. i lOve RnB.hIphOp-ReGgaE like 311.neW-waVe hits.skA.roCk.aLternative.nd espeCiaLLy EMO sOngs!.. wonderin y?! cOz im an eMO guy!!!.

311.USheR.Gin BLosSoms.YeLLowCard.DashbOard ConFessiOnals.SimpLePLAn.BamBOO.GuSter.GooDCHarLotte.GreEnDa y.New Found GlOry.Jet.NirVana.PeaRL JaM.DePeche Mode


TrOy. LOTR Trilogy. Shrek. Shrek2. Ocean's 11 and Ocean's 12. Entrapment. The Saint. Count of Monte Cristo. WhiteChix!!. Passion of the Christ. Land BefOre Time.


Captain America.IceMan.IrOnMan.SuperMan.Armored SpiderMan.Sensational SpiderMan.Gambit.Wolverine.Magneto.Hulk.Warmachine pimpyopage.comReN2