Spot the Cat profile picture

Spot the Cat

Hunting!!!! Yeah!!!!!

About Me

Hi.I'm a cat.I like to bite... a lot. And sleep, too. I also like to break into the toy chest at night while the humans sleep.... I steal the catnip and mousies and they don't even know! Um, unless they're reading this right now... oh well.... I recently took up playing guitar, too. I'm really good and I'm looking to start a band with some other Rochester cats... anyone interested? We could be, like, Spot Spotsenstein and the Spot Spotters or something....

My Interests

Bumble bees, feather, fur mice, my favorite chew sheep, crinkle balls, jingle bells, digging in the houseplants, pestering the ferrets, being a total spaz, and catnip.

I'd like to meet:

People who enjoy being bitten. My mom and dad have too many scars and they discourage biting. People I wouldn't like to meet: People who send me Spam. I mean, really, I'm seriously a housecat. I don't date human ladies, ok? So quit asking! I'm a cat!


Spot and the Spot-tastics; Spot and the Spot-tones (name subject to change); The Spot-omatics; The Spots, I mean, the Squires of the Subterrain (of course!); the Jingle Cats; The Ink Spots; mom when she sings weird songs like "Cat Magic" and "(Spot Wears) Cat Pants"....


Cat People


I like Cat TV. It has the weather channel and the nature channel and car talk and everything all at the same time! I just found out about the other kind of TV the other day, though--you know--the boxy thing with the lights? I love it! I love to stand and bat at the flickers with my long white arms! If anyone know how the people get in that box, can you tell me? I wanna get them out of there so I can chase them around and play....


...are good for chewing. I also enjoy chewing on newspapers, magazines, and catalogs.... especially when someone's reading them!


My bro Nigel

My Blog

i got tagged again!

You've Been Tagged!!Here are the rules:You have been tagged. Now you have to tell six odd (or not so odd) facts about yourself and select six of your friends to do the same. Once you post your six fac...
Posted by Spot the Cat on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 02:21:00 PST

my stupid brother tagged me

6 things about me..... Spot the Cat!  Hi Friends, I've been tagged!after you read my blog write one of you own and tag 6 of your friends . 1.  I love to sleep in the laundry. 2. When ...
Posted by Spot the Cat on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 08:59:00 PST

survey says?

For Cats Only whats your name? spot How did you get your name? I'm not sure but i think ti had something to do with the spots i had on my head when i was a mitten what's your birthday? again, ...
Posted by Spot the Cat on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 09:19:00 PST