kiani, kiani, kiani...who is she???
yooh already know ! ! ! called kionti♥kiki♥kion but mostly her birth name, she be the realist chick you'll ever meet ! ! ! born on 12/10 her favorite color is purple, her favorite candy is skittles and her favorite number is 6. she ♥'s wiinnie the pooh and is ALWAYZ dancing with her giggers and niggers ! ! ! MOST OF ALL she loves comida!
shes always at mcdonalds especially on tuesdays ! ! ! but dont get it believe she's not "a big gurl" hahaha ! ! ! everyone loves her and her friends♥ but if yooh dont BOOZERS for yooh cause yooher missin out! ! !
but theres ALWAYZ room
for one more ! ! !KiiANii...yooh totally rock my socks
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