PR, riding bike, making music, yoga, being with my friends, reading
David Boundy and Alfred Butch
loud, fast, screamy; dramatic, epic, instrumental; thuggish east coast rap/hip hop that glorifies drugs and violence.
trainspotting, saw, baraka, city of god, butch cassidy and the sundance kid, 25th hour, a clockwork orange, buffalo 66
no dice
you can't win, the alchemist, gaza, support the truth, fools die, city of ember, hannibal rising, the things they carried, american gods, kingdom of fear, immortality, man without a country, a million little pieces, the stranger, the trail, black elk speaks, serpico, guns germs and steel, dawn, the secret of shambhala, a confederacy of dunces, choke, under the banner of heaven, the davinci code, going after cacciato, me talk pretty one day, anarchism: arguments for and against , hayduke lives, double duce, immoral wilderness, desert solitare, culture of make believe, empty promises, industrial society and it's future, bush versus the environment, 1984, nickel and dimed, the jungle, sand county almanac, my ishmael, i'm johny and i dont give a fuck, fahrenheit 451, fugitive days, left for dead, the vice guide to sex and drugs and rock and roll, a language older than words, days of war nights of love, bang!, the godfather, confessions of a dope dealer, the mole people, god bless you-dr. kevorkian, fast-food nation, black sun, siddhartha, war boy, culture jam, evasion, bad as i wanna be, on the road, ishmael, the winter of our discontent, a clockwork orange, the bus driver who wanted to be god, celestine prophecies, the tenth insight, brave new world, malcolm X, earth odyssey, black like me, red dragon, the accident, monkey wrench gang, electric kool-aid acid test, a child called it, the furture of life, grapes of wrath, solipsist, the legacy of luna, high adventure in the great outdoors, the consumer's guide to effective environmental choices, omerta, slaughterhouse five, good and evil, into the wild, the diary of a young girl, a walk in the woods, native sun, get in the van, live from death row, in search of captain zero, hells angel, illusions. derrick jensen, edward abbey, thomas harris, ellie wiesel, murray bookchin.