nae: profile picture


my fall, my fall, my fall gonna break your wall...

About Me

about me? my friends would sum me up as the lame one who likes floral clothing and nerdy conversations. i love to look up at the sun through the water and i tend to psychoanalyze everyone and everything...and i have a knack for picking people's ethnicity.
i also like quotes.

what about little microphones?
what if everyone swallowed them, and they played our hearts through little speakers in the pouches of our overalls?
when you skateboard down the street at night you could hear everyone's heartbeat, and they could hear yours...

My Interests

i enjoy things like talking, listening, watching, feeling and seeing.

I'd like to meet:

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Punctured bicycle on a hillside desolate will Nature make a man of me yet?

read the poem.(metamorphosis of Narrcassis-Dali)

art is of the essence

You scored as Blue. You are blue! You are a truly peaceful soul and people love you for your inner beauty. You can be organized and fussy, but you are truly kind and caring, and when you find love it will be forever.














What is your colour?
created with


ask me. i like the lyrics, the bass, and the beat.


"two things happened to me yesterday, the first was ahh, i received all this shit about voting for the first time. and ahh so i tore it up and chucked it in the bin, cause i reckon politicians are a bunch of dickheads and bore me stupid. but then the second thing was my old man wanted to watch this ..documentary on sbs about ahh, insects rooting on fig leaves so i caught the end of the world news and i saw these three guys dragging a friend of theirs who'd been shot, and he'd been shot by their own army cause they had been protesting about something aaand the only thing i understood about it was that the guy was wearing a nick cave t-shirt. but then i wondered how some guy my age, with my taste in music, gets himself into a situation where his own government is trying to kill him, just because he has something to say. and i figured that in this country we vote, not to get the best party in(cause there's no such thing), but we vote to get the worst party out. so i kinda like the idea of standing up here and calling our prime minister a dick head, without someone trying to shoot me and stop you all from listening. and because i don't want to end up on the news one day being watched by some ignorant idiot on the other side of the world who believes that this can't happen to him" -looking for alibrandiElephant, Candy and Amelie




Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card...
i've always been one to read.



leunig i love my mum and those jelly sandals

My Blog

my friend sarah!

i know a girl called sarah she likes to make me smile she often does her crazy dance everything she does is worthwhile she likes to tell it like it is and thats what makes me love her i cant complain...
Posted by nae: on Mon, 22 May 2006 04:14:00 PST