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†?o?? & drink ?? ????d ??d?r the ƒ?ll ????. Together we c??ld ?helter & li?e in ?e??e an

About Me

MyGen Profile Generatori'm half filipino or overseas chinese i can understand tagalog almost fluently but can't speak or read a bit at all. I can understand a bit of spanish. MSN: Yahoo: pambinikkii am interested in vampires, the occult, the supernaturals, the paranormals, mythology and folkloreJUST A WARNING IF YOU ARE A CHAV...YOU ARE IN THE WRONG SITE i like chavs who are guys sometimes girl chavs makes me uncomfortable guy chavs are fun PEOPLE=SHIT because they say slipknot=shit and they say metal is not music just shouting shit BULLSHIT!! METAL IS STILL MUSIC EVEN THOUGH THERE IS NO SWEET VOICES!!! IT'S NOT ALL SCREAMO!!Joey Jordison is my hero!!my fav band is slipknot and i love murderdolls and stone sour too!!check out my com/ /xslipknotmaniacx or search for my username in there irocalot234K.hi5.comhttp://iloveslipknot386.mindviz.comhttp: //slipknotfanatic666.bebo.cometc i hav moreone of my fav hobbies is laughing my head off at nothing and at funny things I love get hyper It's fun!!! XD!!wen i grow dream is to be a drummer in a heavy metal band any metal black metal, death metal, nu-metal i don't care but not glam-metal even if i love glam-metal
You scored as Dark. Congratulations Ladies and Gentlemen, You are a very Dark and Mysterious person that likes to be alone and follows their own paths and makes their own decisions.










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My Interests

tell you later...

I'd like to meet:

1)anyone 2)joey jordison 3)corey taylor 4)james root 5)slipknot members 6)wednesday 13 7)murderdolls members 8)stone sour members 9)amy lee 10)nightwish members 11)christina scabbia 12)ville valo 13)anyone


Slipknot, Murderdolls, Wednesday 13, Marilyn Manson, Mudvayne, Cradle of Filth, System of a Down, Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, Evanescence, Arch Enemy, Stone Sour, Eminem, Fort Minor, Linkin Park, Green Day, 2pac, Lacuna Coil, etc


Constantine Harry Potter Corpse Bride Underworld Underworld Evolution Lord of the Rings Scary Movie The Skeleton Key The Omen etc


Mtv, Vchanel, CNN, HBO, cinemax, etc


Darren Shan, Christopher Pike, R.L.Stine, J.K.Rowling, Anne Rice, magazines, etc



My Blog

the poem i posted ago

the poem i just posted a few minutes or hours ago, it's actually about me  cause i'm so fuckin inlove  tell me what you think of it     
Posted by iloveslipknot_666 on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 04:08:00 PST

Love at first sight

What are those in his eyes? What is it full of? Hatred, pain, love or jealousy? I wish I could know what my future lies ahead Who is the man I most desire? 2 guys falling for the same girl 1 gir...
Posted by iloveslipknot_666 on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 03:48:00 PST

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Welcome!To the elder ruins againThe wind whispers beside the deep forestDarkness will show us the wayThe sky has darkened thirteen asWe are collected woeful around a bookMade...
Posted by iloveslipknot_666 on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 01:35:00 PST

Voliminal Thingy

so i watched voliminal last week and it kicked @$$!! i recorded some good and funny parts 1) joey jordison rapping  man  i didn't know that man can rap or didn't know he liked rap or hip-hop...
Posted by iloveslipknot_666 on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 03:10:00 PST


ok  i came back from the philippines about like 4:00pm   AAAH!!! I FUCKIN LOVE PHILIPPINES!! THE PPL IN THERE ARE SO HOT!!  PHILIPPINES  ROCK ALL THE WAY!! MORE OF OUR STYLE OF PP...
Posted by iloveslipknot_666 on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 02:19:00 PST


in p.s.h.e class  we're learning sex ed  and our class is divided with boys and girls in different class  XD!! and yea...this is our 3 class  XD!! so far...wat we le...
Posted by iloveslipknot_666 on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 01:58:00 PST

check this out

check this site out slipknot hate their band already i dunno why!! WHY WHY WHY!!!!! luckily...they are still touring and is makin a new cd next year or in 2008
Posted by iloveslipknot_666 on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 12:52:00 PST

what cuss words really mean

what cuss words really mean Body: Body: Little Billy walks in on his parents argueing.The mom calls the husband a "bastard"and then the dad calls the wife a "bitch"and billy goes to his mom and sa...
Posted by iloveslipknot_666 on Sat, 27 May 2006 11:30:00 PST

I Walked With A Zombie music video by Wednesday 13
Posted by iloveslipknot_666 on Sat, 27 May 2006 10:02:00 PST