Sleeping, trying to find Local food in the land of Haloes, time travel, learning skills that I will never use in life. Trying to graduate before my Nephew.
General Shinseki and ask him " why berets?"
Globe, Enka (yes Im old, Dag Nabit), what ever has a good beat, german techno rock?
Chambara (samurai type): Samurai Fiction, Zato Ichi series, Hara kiri, Sword of Doom, anything with Testuya Nakadai.War: Band of Brothers, Way of the Gun, Tora Tora Tora, A bridge too far, The Beast, Bravo Two Zero, Red Dawn, Behind the lines (British)
Got to love PBS, guess I should give them some money huh? In Japan the public tv (NHK) sends thugs too your house too make sure you give a donation, no really.
The Bear when over the mountain, On killing (very good book), Sakamoto Ryoma, Genji Montagatari, Rifleman went to war,
Sakamoto can buck the system....but you're going to have to pay for it down the road ie....getting part of your head head chopped off.Daniel Inoue....first time I killed, I enjoyed it