♥.dee~mel.♥ profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

♥My nAmE dAhIaNa...or DeE!♥
♥i'M 20 BuT On wEekeNdS 21 ViP bEbE!♥
♥I HaVe 4 pIeRcInGs No tAtT's♥
♥My fAv CoLOr Is GreEN&pInK ♥
♥i Am a tRulY fAtAsS lOL..♥
♥i♥aNyThInG W/ sHrImP..lol♥
♥I LoVe mY CoKe shAkE♥
♥VaNiLlA iS My fAv SwEeT GuRl lol.♥
♥I abSoLuTlY LoVe mY FaMiLy♥
♥I lOvE My gUrLs aNd bEsTiEs!♥
♥LoVe bArHoPiN aNd PaRtY oVeRaLl♥
♥i♥CoRoNa Is tHe bEsT & budlight.♥
♥DaNcInG iS My fAv'S aNd dO WeLl At♥
♥i lOvE fAshIoN,SHoPpInG..EtC♥
♥i LoVe MaKe-Up&HaIrStYlInG PrOdUcTs♥
♥I LoVe ShOEs♥
♥i♥ mY CeLlY♥
♥I LoVe MusIc♥
♥i'm tHe sUcH A GiRlY GuRl tYpE♥
♥I aM HiGh MaInTeNcE aNd sUcH A HaIrStYlIsT loL..♥

My life....i'm the one and only child!!! it's greaT...sometimes? I'm not gonna lie i'm a spolied girl i can't complain!! momma's girl!!! and whatever dahiana says goes... and dahiana is always right??? ha ha... lol!!! just remember that!!!! I'am working but can't tell ya where??? i'm a hardworker!!and my cosmetology license is in progress finally! i'm pretty laidback and type of girl that can go downtown and party my ass off and enjoys dancing her ass off too..... but at the same time that can hang out and chill!!! i love my bitches, ok my friends....my bestest friend vicky and my other bestie lori... all my friends that have been here for me luv ya lot's!!!u know exactly who u are... thanx alot!!! luv ya... And my goals... i don't even know how to start,one of them would be my career i love fashion...hair,make up.. u name it... and i would love to become a platform artist,or do backstage work in the future and i am soon to start going to fashion school which i'm really excited about!!!!! My FEARS... would be losing my loved ones, family, friends i love this phrase... u don't realize what u have in till it's gone!! so make sure u tell ure loved ones u love them!!!! Once u get to know me i'm the sweetest person ever!!! or at least that's what i've been told!!! but if u wanna be rude and talk shit then don't expect me to be that way!!! but otherwise.. i'm really nice i promess.. If ya wanna know more about me hit me up don't be scared!! lol..
♥LoVe mIzZ DeE♥

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



MmmhHHh... i lOvE mUsIc AnD DaNcInG iS OnE oF mY fAV'S tHInGS tO do aNd Do WEll aT It lol.. I LoVe AlL KInDs AnD SoMe cOuNtRy nOt mY FaV!!! aLtErnAtIvE,RoCk,TeChNo/tRaNcE,EtC... rEGgETtOn Is oNe Of mY fAv'S tHoUgh!!


i aBsOlUtLy loVe sCaRy MovIes tHeY aRe mY FAvOrItE... aNd oF CoUrSe Who DoSeN't LoVe a gOoD cOmEdY!!!! I LoVe aLl kInDS!!!


i lOvE T.V aNytHiNg OvErAlL... BuT I dOn't HaVE TimE fOr it i'm AlWaYs BUsY!!!


WeLl i'm nOt a rEaDiNg pErSoN So YeaH... iNlEsS i hAvE To StUdY aNd oF coUrSe WhAt gUrL DoSeN't LoVe mAgAzInES oR AnYtHiNg tHaT hAs To dEAl wItH FaShIoN eTc..


My hErOe iS ThE BeSt wOmAn EvEr mY MoMmA! sHe's My bEsTeSt AnD oF CoUrSe My bEsT FrIeNd!

My Blog

InSeCuRe Or jEAlOuS???? gIrLs,gIrLs I SWeAr...

..> ..> ..> ..> ..>   So CaN aNyBoDY TeLl mE WhY GiRlS aRe sO JeAlOuS AnD InSeCuRe???? WeLl cAn aNyOnE TeLl mE.....  BeCaUsE I DoNt fEeL lIkE SAyINg aNy nAmEs....  ...
Posted by ♥.::MizZ dEe::.♥ on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 03:26:00 PST