Chaz profile picture


Don't you know who the hell I think I am???!!

About Me

***PLEASE READ***PLEASE READ***PLEASE READ***PLEASE READ**** 99% of all the "Friend Request" are DELETED!! There are SO many idiots out there who don't take the time to read a simple line....I AM NOT A WOMAN (LOL) and NO I don't want to be photographed by you!!Anyway.....for those of you who are wondering why I have pics of beautiful women .......................I'M A PHOTOGRAPHER.................................. Hey all, I'm Chaz and I'm new to all this "My Space" stuff so go easy on me!! I'm a person of many interest and I've been encouraged to join this site by a couple of friends and co-workers. I've actually got a career and I have a side business doing photography.I've been shooting casually for the last 10-15 years but have decided to change gears and get even more serious about my photography. I usually work through "word-of-mouth" I guess you would say that my style of photography would be along the lines of "Maxim and FHM." I love lots of color and new ideas! I'm always open to suggestions and I just like to have a lot of fun when I shoot!! I'm fully digital, professional and love to shoot both locations and studio.As for other stuff...I'm a "seasonal" type of guy....compete skiing in the winter and the live/play at the beach (on my skateboards) in the summer!! Needless to say I'm ALWAYS up to something!! Drop me a line if you have any questions or comments...Thanks ChazP.S....YES all the photos in my profile are my own work!!

My Interests

So do I just list stuff here??...Um I enjoy my work and photography. I also do a lot of skiing, skateboarding and bike riding, when i'm not doing that stuff I'm playing on this damn PC getting photos together for portfolios and stuff like that!



I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to TV....The Simpson's or documentaries!! (No really, I watch documentaries almost ALL the time!)


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My Mom and Dad...lost them both in '04 but they live within my heart and soul!!

My Blog is that an innocent look or...???????

Posted by Chaz on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 05:27:00 PST

Michelle & Natalie before the Lingerie Bowl

Michelle & Natalie before the Lingerie Bowl ...
Posted by Chaz on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 05:21:00 PST