already met him ♥donniemathewgrindle♥ this is my boyfriend. the love of my life. my best friend. .........................................i am loving you.rock like the moon. sail like the sea. dance like the stars. unlock the key. give it to me. dream like the clouds. flow like the wind. feel like the water. no resistance. don't wonder where you are now. think only of me. love will appear if you let go of fear. you soul will let go and be there is no conclusion. options persist. dreams cant resist their illusions of reality anymore than i can look away from you and not feel your love's sensuality becoming on its own a fountain in your absence when i thurst to taste the life of your essence again!each seconf seems so far away. eternity fading forever. no survivor has returned, they say to tell of their love's endeavor. life becomes so dry sometimes and tears maybe, the only sign of rain.neverthelessi have seen the light in all our love and what it means.and, that's the world to me <3