Hey wats up ppl..my name's Jennifer.But Jenny,Stitch and Lil'1 r just a few nicknames I go by..lol.I'ma down to earth type of girl,it doesn't take much 2 make me bust out laughin.I'm rarley serious I mean there's a time n place 4 it..not 24/7.Um,I love my family and da close friends I have.I'ma shy person but once I feel comtforable around u its like,"Oh lord shut her up plz!"lol.I'ma very trustin person,but once u loose it,Its Very hard 2 get it back IF u do.I have my random moments..lolz which happens a lot there's never a dull momment!Lmao.If u know how i am u SO GET THAT!LMAO!Nah,but I'm just me..lol.So u have any ?'s about my bubble hit me up :D
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