People I have had the opportunity to smoke with....Jack Herrer, Dj Selekta Lou, Los Marijuanos, Big Mikey, all my little and big primos and primas, Rudy Jewelz even if it was only half the blunt, my big Bro G, tha homies from hampton square block 707 tu sabes, my big cuzzos Mike and Bodie felix of Stockton CA, master P's cuzzin King George, Porky and the Homie Tony from Twisted Mind Crew, Tommy-T, Carlos Soto, my homie CHango from back in tha days do you know where he is?, Rome 1 of E.N.D. Kings, Jeff da dealer, Rob Flores, Salvador Esquare, Tony Soto, David Pimentel Sr.,my sister Laura, Tommy from Herbal Appetite, my pops, anybody I havent mentioned that remembers smokin wit me, and any body in tha future come by and smoke a blunt.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
is video below gots my cousins in it and they cars too from evil wayz car club they the only mexicans in the video, peep this sick song from tite eyes. killa team - kali.