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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

enough about me, let's hear bout you...!%D%A
Your Birthdate: April 18
%D%AYou are a cohesive force - able to bring many people together for a common cause.
%D%AYou tend to excel in work situations, but you also facilitate a lot of social gatherings too.
%D?eyond being a good leader, you are good at inspiring others.
%D%AYou also keep your powerful emotions in check - you know when to emote and when to repress.
%D%AYour strength: Emotional maturity beyond your years
%D%AYour weakness: Wearing yourself down with too many responsibilities
%D%AYour power color: Crimson red
%D%AYour power symbol: Snowflake
%D%AYour power month: September%D%A What Does Your Birth Date Mean? %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A
You Are a Strawberry Daiquiri
%D%AYou're a fun, playful drinker who loves to party.
%D%AYou may get totally wasted, but you're always a happy drunk!%D%A What Mixed Drink Are You? %D%A%D%AHAHAHAHA

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%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%AI love New YOrk CiTy %D%A
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Old Greg on Black lake...%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A

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Hosted at MySpaceNow.com %D%A
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Pablo, Brian Bonz


ohhhh boy.. where do I BEGIN... edward scissorhands, donnie darko, beetlejuice, city of angels, heart and souls, footloose, flashdance (anything 80's that will make you do the funky chicken), the usual suspects, ghostbusters, crybaby, lost in translation, mystic river, finding nemo, aladdin, breakfast club, dirty dancing, fifth element,moonstruck, as good as it gets, nightmare before christmas, requiem for a dream, minority report, top gun, a clockwork orange, bridget jones's diary, jerry maguire, silence of the lambs, harry potter, when harry met sally, chocolat, nine months, big, america's sweethearts, big fish, one flew over the cuckoo's nest, the singing detective, sleepy hollow,ferris bueller's day off, gremlins, x-men,clueless, a beautiful mind, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind..and thats the tip of the iceberg


I have many Friends but I've always especially Loved Raymond. My favorite Two and a Half Men are actually Desperate Housewives and they think they're the King of Queens. Life is truly just a bunch of Dinners For Five and we should all sit down and have a Celebrity Poker Showdown (that's right, I love it!). Whats a day without Will and Grace and I wish I could be an Apprentice for Donald Trump...but really isnt life just all about Sex and the City?? well its better than a day at The Office. I wish I was a Medium, but I'm simply me and that is my s0-called lifee... (I also really really love Boston Legal, but I couldn't think of a way to work it in).


stephen king,kurt vonnegut, all ellen degeneres (which is only two), dave barry,the great gatsby, long days journey into night,a streetcar named desire, white oleander, summer sisters, the da vinci code, angels and demons, clockwork orange, bridget jones's diary, interview with the vampire


elton john and his wide rimmed polkadot hot pink sunglasses