Okcycleguy profile picture


If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

About Me

This is a painting in my living room. It was painted in 1963 by a guy named Columba krebs. He called it Waking To New Age Wonders. I know this because he wrote it on the back of the frame. I got it at a garage sale for a buck.
Sep.29: Thinking about going to the Merc tonight. I have not been in almost a month. That's not right.
I have an interview Oct. 18 with the U.S. Dept of Labor. I need this job! It has been narrowed down to a group that is interviewing over a 3 day period.
I added a couple pin up girls. You won't find them like this, I don't think. I have a Varga book and I tweeked them myself.
I have a webcam and I am on yahoo pretty often. If you want to chat there you can look me up under the same name. I wonder if My Space will ever get vid chat?
I mentioned before I have a stack of old 50s guy mags. I just feel the need to share, see pics below.
I change the music so much because I don't care to hear the same one that often either.
I leave the PC on a lot. Just because it says I am online does not make it so. I might not be sitting here but will reply if you write.
Now, about me, my name is Brian. I can be fairly creative for whatever that is worth. I live in a nice neighborhood, in a nice house, on a nice street, with nice neighbors. Isn't that nice? :)
I am open and honest with people. I am a non smoking fellow and though I drink just a little it tends to be only at home. I am one of those guys that, for the most part, has his shit together. I have a teaching certificate in OK but I only sub. I will do it until I get a job I actually like or a good part time job.
It seems honesty and courtesy is in serious short supply in this town. If you don't know what honest and courtesy are and don't practice them then do us both a favor and move on.

My Interests

Not sure what to put here for interests. I have many interests though no one interest over stimulates me more than any other. I do love my motorcycles. I have always had an interest in art and design and though I have at times done some artistic things I could be proud of for the most part I am mediocre. I do believe I have a pretty good eye and decent taste.
I am a member of Red Castle Gun club and shoot matches once a month. I came in 3rd last year for the military bolt action state match. I would like to do a little better this year.

I'd like to meet:

I am mostly here to keep in touch with existing friends. I am not opposed to making new friends. If we click cool if not, no worries.

I have decided to put a magazine cover up for the month. This month's is Real Men Sep 1958.

The pinup girl this month is Virginia. She was the centerfold in Man's magazine for Sep. 1956.

Because it is Sep I had to put this one up. Speed Age Sep.1957. Did you know Detroit was going rear engine?

a class="redlink" href="http://friends.myspace.com/index.cfm?


The Ramones - Spider-Man(1996?)

From VH1 Classic, I have 593 vids ripped now :)

I put this up just because. I think it was released in 1996. I guess what made me think of it was there is not an elementary classroom I have gone into that I can't say spider pig and all the kids start singing spider pig from the Simpsons. It is actually kind of funny.

Yep,I like music! I was all about the new wave, sythpop, some of the punk stuff. I have always been a fan of SKA. I like straight ahead jazz, latin jazz, afro cuban too. Just to sound even more confused I dig the rockabilly thing too but I don't live it. I worked for a record store in the 80s. Records were big black discs, they held music on them sort of like a big black wax CD. I have lots of 80s new wave stuff found some of the old punk records recently. I could probably open a retro dance club. I like electronica and worldbeat too.


like lots of movies, the given is action movies, then fantacy, sci-fi, comedy, art house, even some chick flicks but not to many.


I have to tell ya most of my favorite shows are animated. Family Guy and American Dad are still tops with me.


Not much of a reader but have read most of Charles Bukowski and some of the beat stuff, like Jack Kerouac.


For my Hero I usually just take a ham and swiss.

My Blog

My own Wonder Years

I got a call recently from a woman named Pat Harden. Her husband coached my T-ball team when I was 7 years old. She made an 8mm movie back in 1975 of the team. They had that movie converted to di...
Posted by Okcycleguy on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 06:14:00 PST

Massive terror attacks foiled - I dont think so!

BERLIN, Germany (CNN) -- German police arrested three suspected Islamic militants who were planning "massive" and "imminent" attacks on American targets in Germany, authorities said Wednesday. The sus...
Posted by Okcycleguy on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 12:31:00 PST

Because I listened to my Mother

I had to have all my locks rekeyed  last year. I have always had an extra key hidden someplace outside, you know, just incase. When I had the locks done I forgot to get an extra key to hide. I h...
Posted by Okcycleguy on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 04:20:00 PST

Sat. night and the girl from OKC.

I went to the Mercury Sat. night. It was a hell of a night to go. There were three bands and the place was packed. As the second band was beginning to play 7 girls walked in dressed like pin up g...
Posted by Okcycleguy on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 02:01:00 PST

Doing it on the cheap, Curb Shopping

If you know me you know I am a cheap bastard. It might be because I grew up poor, I don't know. Just because I don't spend money on stuff does not mean I don't have some kind of taste or care about th...
Posted by Okcycleguy on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 06:09:00 PST

Some old advice from 3rd graders

Back in 1997 I did my last bit of intern teaching at Eliot Elementary, a very nice little school. As my going away gift my class gave me some advice to take with me. Most ofit was that I needed to be...
Posted by Okcycleguy on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 02:34:00 PST

Why do you need a cell phone?

I had a date Sat night. I spoke to her three differnt times to confirm the date over the course of five days. Sat afternoon I confirmed she had my phone number and was promised if anything changed for...
Posted by Okcycleguy on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 10:56:00 PST

My neighbor gets up early

My neighbor John bought a chicken and a turkey over easter from Atwoods. Atwoods is like a Walmart for real rednecks. The turkey died of unknown causes. My guess is he drowned looking up at all the sp...
Posted by Okcycleguy on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 05:24:00 PST

Naked Ladies outside my house

It is that time of year again. I have naked ladies outside my house. It happens every year. I took a picture of one. What? It is the name of a flower. What did you think I meant ? B  ...
Posted by Okcycleguy on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 03:39:00 PST

A Tonsil Story

Here is sort of an odd little story about me. I probably should not tell it but I am going to anyway. Tue. June 26, I plan to have surgery to take a plate out of my leg and do some work on the knee. I...
Posted by Okcycleguy on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 04:35:00 PST