VANILLA GORILLA profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a: painter / photographer / writer / artist / SOCCER STAR/ master / ninja /rockstar / baller / chef / rapper / poet / dancer / comedian / junkie / phrophet / gambler / player / ganster / CEO / dreamer / guitarist / Italian / German / English / Irish / Christian / Buddist / Hindu / Rastafarian/ pornstar / detective / superhero / pimp...I don't pray to cows...I eat them

My Interests

I'm interested in EVERYTHING...

I'd like to meet:

Vampires/Warewolves any other predators of the night... MySpace Layouts MySpace Layouts


BOB MARLEY, Bjork, Pearl Jam, Marvin Gaye, Radiohead, White Stripes, Jeff Buckley, Chicane, Nirvana, Nat King Cole, Tupac, Frank Sinatra, Beatles, Mozart, Biggie, DJ Tiesto, Kanye West


City of God, Big, A River Runs Through It, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Goodfellas, Stand By Me, Outsiders, Forrest Gump, Rainman, Trainspotting, Die Hard...


Family Guy, Simpsons, South Park, VH1, Discovery Channel, Moonlighting, Three Stooges,MODERN MARVELS


Catcher in the Rye, Heartbreaking Work of A Staggering Genious, Anthem, The Phrophet, The Alchemist, The DaVinci Code, GREEN EGGS AND HAM, Oh THE PLACES YOU'LL SEE


Bob Marly, Leonardo DaVinci, Dad & Mom