........snowpea. spreading myself super thin to try and help out all of my friends who ask me to do work for/with them. barely making it through it. i'm discovering that i like writing things. descriptive stuff, and persuasive stuff, this has recently become part of my design work somehow. i love driving without somewhere to go. riding my bike in the early morning when its still brick cold outside. learning more in after effects. animating 2d and 3d stuff. shooting photos of people. filming people. rollerblading. people watching. seeing a good movie in the theater. making breakfast on the weekends. lying in a cold bed on a hot day. not making websites. going to the shore in the winter. the psychology of videogames. making a video game. playing videogames. my girlfriend.
michael jordan. a pair of original black toe air jordan 1's. shigeru miyamoto, hideo kojima, wes anderson, saul bass, kyle cooper, paul rand, milton glaser, coco chanel, mark mothersbaugh.
...... really.... whatever is appropriate for the moment. i tend to listen to this stuff the most, but i listen to ALL types of music: portishead, radiohead, bjork, feist, miles davis, john coltrane, rufus wainwright, teddy thompson, the shins, belle & sebastian, tool, elliott smith, face to face, bouncing souls, interpol, ray lamontagne, the postal service, tribe called quest, beth gibbons, beth orton, the white stripes, sterolab, jose gonzalez, beck, wu-tang clan, justin timberlake, the beatles, bill withers, stevie wonder, joni mitchell, aimee mann, ani difranco, old afi, old alkaline trio, old metallica, black sabbath, santana, bob dylan,
......hitchcock, saul bass, wes anderson, pixar, paul thomas anderson, michel gondry, imaginary forces, david fincher, harmony korine, tim burton, tarantino, aronofsky, audrey hepburn, mel brooks, sofia coppola, zach braff, RAD!
......i like sunday morning. it doesnt make me feel like im getting dumber when i watch it.
......i go through phases of reading, and not reading at all (books that is). but i am constantly reading/buying magazines: res, vogue, mass appeal, lodown, W, communication arts, print, anthem, etc.