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I am here for Friends

About Me m/
follow skullnboner at http://twitter.comClick here to visit Fast Speed Torrents website!A dedicated truth seeker, fun loving, like to tease and joke even while being serious. One of the most likeable people you will ever meet, but be prepared for the unexpected from me! heh heh! I am open, trustworthy, honest and soft-hearted, but no pushover--believe me!I appreciate beauty in nature and human beings, but I have a sometimes love-hate relationship with the world. Tell you the truth, I sometimes think this "reality" of existence is absurd! is all a mystery, but I like mysteries. Here is hoping for a better world....wake up everyone and join in to do just that. Rene/skullnboner.. ..
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MySpaceTV Videos: God is not enough by Pat Condell

Pat says it straight, with pleasant humor and a no-holds barred punch to the sane mind! Listen up and enjoy folks!

New Robert W. Morgan & Acharya segment beginning on Aug.7th

ZEITGEIST Companion Guide Ebook | Part 1 | Horus | Jesus

The Christian mythose explained in the context of ancient myths, esp. with regard to Eygptian myth (Horus etc.). Must read for anyone with an open and critical mind regarding religon in general and Christianity in particular. The author has other books, which delineate the common ground of all the religous myths.

MySpaceTV Videos: Godless and free by Pat Condell

Straight forward and clear-headed as usual!

Favorite Sites

Acharya S' Home site. Author of "The Christ Conspiracy", "Suns of God", "Who Was Jesus". Also has an internet forum, blog and board forum. Visit to learn about the Astro-theological foundations of the World's religons and myths.


Rakset Mizmar

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

There are many I have met online that I would like to meet...cause I know I would like them. Top of my list is Acharya S., Chopper, Daniel, Vega, Gary Lenaire. ***Since I wrote the above, I have met many interesting people online that I would love to meet in person. I couldn't list them all, if I wanted to! There are so many nice and intelligent people on my friends list from all ages and backgrounds. You are all special to me and a few more..just a little more special (you know who you are without naming!).****I am sure over time, I will get to know even more, both male and female, that I would love to meet if it were possible..those who are of like mind and character. Either way, I strive for unity and comraderie in all whom I meet (did I say that right A.S?..LOL!) Peace and love to all (esp. and a special orgasmic greeting for Acharya S. HaH!)INTERVIEW WITH ARCHARYA S--KNOWS WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT! ..WHY IS THE WORLD IN A MESS?

Arundhati Roy--EXTREMELY WELL EXPRESSEDJim Condit on Hitler and the Jewish involvement in Nazism This is the very thing written by Douglas Reed in 1956 and published 20 yrs. later in "The Zionist Controversy" (See my blog on peices of the book, which is available on line).Dr. Death--Fred Leutcher (Expert on Execution Chambers) Re: Gas chambers execution of "Jews" in Death Camps ..Christopher Bollyn speaks out..below:WILLIAM COOPER DOCUMENTARY:

My Blog

Individualism vs Collectivism (Proper Role of Government) / Part 5 OF 5 Dead ON!!!
Posted by on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 00:57:00 GMT

When Cattle Attack (1/3)
Posted by on Wed, 15 Jul 2009 14:42:00 GMT

The Origins of the Bible Material

UPDATED: 06 July 2009 "all the verbage" and there is a lot here, 8 years' worth of research on this website in a nutshell:Quite simply, the findings of Scienc...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 23:11:00 GMT Blogs - Acharya S MySpace Blog
Posted by on Fri, 19 Jun 2009 19:20:00 GMT

My Attempt at a Yahoo group

Total Freespeecher (except for gibberish or insults, except to me of  I would be pleased if any of you joined.  I know you already got enough on your hands, but you don't have to be the...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 17:22:00 GMT

Robert Spencer--The 'Catholic' Anti-Jihadi--A Satire!

This is a mirror 'Satire' of Robert Spencer of  "Jihad Watch", which I found quite amusing.  The Satire can be found at the link beside the fictional Mohammed Bin Laden (lol!)  All I gotta say, is tha...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 08:03:00 GMT

Falsehoods in History and Ideologies

The First Way to Peace is in ONESELF, what ONE Believes to be true!Gilad Atzmon - "The Wandering Who?"I recommend Gilad Atzmon and Shlomo Sand highly. This is an excerpt from a long essay from Atzmon,...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jan 2009 08:03:00 GMT

The Neo-Zionist New World Order

Interview with Eustace Mullins, the most knowledgeable man on the _ew World Order, their methods, practises, organisations, agenda and why. ..
Posted by on Wed, 17 Dec 2008 22:17:00 GMT

White Slavery in Colonial America pt.2
Posted by on Mon, 15 Dec 2008 21:10:00 GMT

Barack Obama The Revelation Part 2 of 2 Continued from Part One...excellent synopsis both of them.
Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 03:37:00 GMT